Thank you for the welcome, I have a ton of questions. I have spent a few hours going through old post, but I am just getting overwhelmed. Maybe someone can help me with some answers. My greatest concern if finding connection with my own problems, and possible a connection to others who share my symptoms to help with a better understanding by doctors. Sorry this will be long.
About me: From a young age I suffered from severe neck and between shoulder blade pain. They continue, but I am not sure how much they relate. I also have very bad teeth. Back about 10 years ago, I suffered so much pain in what I thought my teeth I had one root canal after another trying to relieve it. After a number of them, a different Xray showed that in fact it was a sinus tumor. Removing that helped greatly. I also have TMJ, diagnosed as a child.
In 2013 while just sitting talking,I was stabbed with pain in both my right jaw and left side. It turned out the left side was shingles, the right jaw disc broken. ENT said the clench from the initial onset of shingles broke the jaw. At that time I was sent to a surgeon in Boston. He ordered another CT and when he got the results asked me exactly what things I feel on both sides of my jaw. I explained for a few years I often had a sensation on the left that I could not call pain, but at times a sudden electric shock came and went that did hurt for a short time.. He asked me to point out the area, and to his surprise I drew on my neck the exact area that he then told me was Eagles. He told me just the day before he taught a group of new Dr.s that there is no pain associated with Eagles. He then said but that is not why you are here so enough of that. I had right jaw surgery to clean out the broken disc and have not returned to him. Nothing about my Eagles has changed over the years, but I wonder if I am just missing it. After reading on this group, I am thinking what I was told was fat in the thyroid area but what feels like a lump in my neck is also something to question.
For years I have also suffered from positional vertigo. It seems allergy season brings it on. This year it hit earlier and more severe. My GP sent me to a balance specialist rather than ENT to have a different view. This dr. ordered a VEMP test that showed an inner ear problem. A high resolution CT showed Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome.on the same side as my Eagles. Many symptoms are caused from that such as migraines, hearing my heart beat, dizziness,and brain fog,.
It seems that it is so unlikely that I have been diagnosed with two separate rare diseases in the same general area. Also that I have so many things that have been close by. Has this happened to others?