After my latest doctors appointment

Calcified ligaments causing symptoms is one of the causes of ES, & should definitely be considered for removal during surgery, they can cause symptoms without elongated styloid processes, so you’re right in that.
Having revision surgery however is more risky, so it’s a difficult decision to make. Only you can judge whether the pain you have now is affecting the quality of life so much that you want to have more surgery, as there are risks. If you did decide to go ahead, there are treatments which can help with scar tissue ( MusicGeek has had this & found it helpful, here’s a link to the discussion: Are there any saxophonist or wind musicians out there? )
If you do think you need more surgery, would you be able to travel to one of the really experienced doctors, like Dr Samji or Dr Cognetti? I think you can send your scans to them to be looked at without having to travel to see them. There’s info if you search for it about what Dr Samji needs by way of scans etc.
I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful…

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