Wow is that the bone and ligament removed?
Hi there,
I joined this forum a while back, but have yet to post anything. Wanted to thank you for your posts personally though. I had external surgery on my left side today (3.5 cm removed). I live in Phoenix and had suspected we have the same surgeon, but when he asked me if I wanted to pray in pre-op, I am now fairly certain we do He is such a nice man.
I never found a post about your second surgery, so would love to hear when and if you went through with it. I am planning (as of this moment anyway) to do my right side before end of the year (deductible being met and all).
Your vomit cautionary tale was quite useful! lol - I have had nothing but water and animal crackers and saltines since getting home. No wonton soup in the house!
Feeling pretty good, have avoided pain meds at this point.
I would be very interested in privately chatting with you, if you would be willing & interested.
Thanks again for all the great information, and hope you are doing well.
Hi DebF -
eaglewontbeatme hasn’t been on the forum for several years. I’ve tried to contact him via private message without success. Hopefully he’ll respond to you. If not, BanDruid7 also had surgery with the doctor in question & you could try privately emailing her. Use the magifying glass at the top right of this page to search for her posts.
I will do that, thank you.
Glad I could help!