Blurry vision, what now

I am so sorry. That sounds horrific. Was going to suggest swishing with salt water. But sounds like that might not even be possible. Hopefully others would have better advice. :pray:t3:

@Lemontree, Iā€™m soooo sorry for your pain & suffering. Intraoral ES surgery is really awful & a challenging recovery.

Youā€™re correct. The transcervical (surgery through the neck) is a less painful recovery in some ways because it doesnā€™t impact the ability to eat, drink & swallow in the same way that transoral (through the throat surgery) does. There is a higher risk of infection through the throat since your food & drink have to pass the incision. I firmly believe you should make a follow-up appt. to get your throat checked because of the gross taste you have in your mouth. A clean wound should not be causing that. Gradually, over the first month after surgery, youā€™ll begin feeling better. If I were you, Iā€™d politely demand to have the second surgery through your neck.

Iā€™m aghast about the dismissive way youā€™ve been treated by your surgeon. If you have an infection then you certainly need antibiotics for a longer period. You should also ask for a 10-14 day course of prednisone if you can swallow pills. Those are generally small but they can help significantly w/ swelling.

Are you able to suck on ice chips or popsicles to help ease your throat pain or is that too difficult?

Here are links to a couple of threads written by people who had intraoral surgery. There are others as well if you want to search for them (use ā€œintraoral surgeryā€ as your search term). There is reference made to the surgeon Rxing a prescription mouth rinse to help prevent infection & promote healing, but I couldnā€™t readily find the name. That is definitely something to request from your surgeon.

You could send a private message to @Weezie65 &/or @BFresh to ask how theyā€™re doing now & what helped them most during recovery. I recall BFresh had a slower recovery than Weezie.

Iā€™ll be praying that your wound will begin healing in earnest so you can start feeling better. :hugs:


I had the external approach. I just wanted to be clear on that. Dr Trevor Hackman did my surgery. He sent me home with a medrol dosepak along with pain meds.

@Lemontree How dreadful!!! Iā€™m so sorry!!! :face_with_spiral_eyes: :scream: :face_with_head_bandage:

Thanks @Isaiah_40_31
Thanks for the links and thanks @Jules i for your precious message last week and forgot to reply.

I saw that about the mouthwash when reading the previous posts, I canā€™t believe no one is checking up on my wound. My next appointment with my surgeon is two months from now. My wound looks like a mangled up mess. I saw on the thread that someone else had it done where they go in through the side of the mouth behind back molar way and that there was a hole left. Im wondering how long it takes to heal. I feel big chunks of food is just going to enter in there, itā€™s just vile.
Iā€™ve been cutting up ice lol lies because I canā€™t open my mouth to fit them in lol. But they have been my favour, ice is helping, it helps cool it down.

Thanks all x

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I feel for you, it sounds grim & aftercare awfulā€¦if itā€™s any consolation I wasnā€™t able to open my mouth wide enough to clean my teeth properly for a week or 2 & that was with external surgery, hopefully that part will improve soon.
Is your GP helpful at all? It does sound as if you could have an infection as @Isaiah_40_31 says, going by the horrible taste you have, & itā€™s rubbish that you canā€™t have more antibiotics! Iā€™m sure youā€™re probably not feeling up to being pushy, have you got anyone who can advocate for you, either with your GP, the surgery team, or a trip to A&E?
Hang in there, praying for you & sending you hugs :pray::hugs:

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@Lemontree Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. Are you in the U.S.?