@Blodyn - Your right styloid is downright scary looking, thick at the top & long & pretty pointed at the bottom. It is quite long & curved so is most likely causing many of the symptoms you’ve mentioned. In the first image, it also looks very close to the transverse process of C1 so there’s a chance your IJV is also being compressed which could explain your brain fog & past headaches.
It also sounds like your vagus nerve is irritated w/ the gastrointestinal, bladder, heart, bp, breathing, coughing, & vocal issues you have. Obviously there are also other nerves that have been affected. Tongue & throat symptoms can be from the glossopharyngeal nerve & ear aches can be trigeminal nerve related. Neck pain can be from the accessory nerve though this one also usually causes shoulder pain, too.
Another thing to note is how straight your neck vertebrae are. The cervical spine is supposed to have a lordotic curve. This curve develops in infancy as a baby begins lifting its head while lying on its stomach. As adults, due to poor posture & also to the fact we do so much of our work & play looking down, many people lose that curve which causes muscle compensations that result in chronic pain for some people. For those of us w/ ES the lack of a cervical curve can bring elongated styloids into closer contact w/ nerves & vascular tissues thus causing significant symptoms.
vdm posted a lot on the topic of “military neck” as it’s called. Here are a couple of threads that he put together over time that are very informative on that topic. Military neck can be reversed via physical therapy, but it’s a slow process.