Blockquote Regarding your profile question: " My question is: : What are some activities that helped you to cope when you were being gaslight and had to wait long periods to get the medical care you needed? "
— From my experience, nothing. ALL Doctors I worked with in CA where completely naive about a ES diagnosis.
So I figure I can start a new thread for this but I still havent shared anything that helps me to cope (other than maybe my intro letter). I ordered some gel ice packs that can also be heated to try as @Isaiah_40_31 advised, but i havent tried them yet.
I have found that staying really busy and focused helps. Like in a high pace, high stress job, intense competative video game, or doing something thrilling like hiking along a steep cliff, going on a roller coaster, making love, drinking and having an excited conversation with friends, dancing, etc. It makes me not notice it for a bit.
Also, eating seems to help me a lot. I have seen members here complain about eating being uncomfortable, but for me I think the sensation of food in my mouth and throat causes me to not really notice the itchy painful feeling in my throat. A few minutes later I usually feel like the food is stuck in my throat, but I just have to remind myself it is ES. At least it is temporary relief.
As far as medication, I found ibuprofen to help with the irritating sensation around my throat and fullness feeling in my ear. Cannabis seems to help a lot, too.
None of these are good long term solutions and all have draw backs, like constantly eating isnt good for my weight. Never relaxing because I end up dwelling on ES symptoms is probably bad for my mental health and blood pressure. Taking meds all the time takes vigilance otherwise they wear off, and can cause other health problems.
I love getting out in nature but I find that if it isnt right along some super dramatic view or dangerous situation, that my ES symptoms distract me and make it really hard to enjoy.
I feel like the reason the majority of my favorite activites are the ones they are is because they help with physical discomfort. Makes me wonder how different life might be after surgery. And gets frustrating wondering how muchmore battling I will have to do to get help.
Anyways, thanks as usual for the support, everyone. Keep your heads up!