I know there is little explanation for those of us who have Eagle's as to why we have it, but just wondering if any of your doctor's have speculated as to what might be the cause of your Eagle's?
Many people have had a tonsillectomy, I myself, have not. I have no clue what causes eagle's whatsoever, I have had a couple concussions back in my highschool days and was diagnosed at 21/22
KLSJ, Have you been able to see an ES surgeon? For me, tonsillectomy at age 5, EDS, car accidents in my life, and one really bad fall few months before I went to ER in excrutiating pain.
I have no answer from doctors as to why, but I have NOT had my tonsils removed. I HAVE had head and neck injury/surgeries over the years.
In answer would be nice it’s like after Dr Eagle know Dr gives a poop!
My wife & I do not have answers from doctors either. We do have some speculations. From some of the reading we've done, it has been suggested that ossified & elongated styloids are a response to proximal trauma [such as tonsilectomy,...] in the area of the face/throat/head. My wife is a nurse & she speculates that the body responds to trauma by throwing resources at the site - nutirients, antibodies, minerals,... & sometimes does so in 'overkill' fashion [a not so rare characteristic of humans]...hence the build-up of ie: calcium. In her case, she thinks that her experience in 2000-01, when she had a wisdom tooth & 2 adjacent molars removed - & sunsequently suffered osteomyilitis in her left jaw, requiring a year of intense injectible anitbiotic treatment, all may have been a contributor to the development of her bilateral elongated styloids. We also wonder how much of a role her type one diabetes has played in this. My wife has not had a tonsilectomy.
Pretty much all speculation on our part. We'd be interested in comment on our perspective.
Meanwhile, I would also like to add our appreciation for the information, experiences, thoughts that are expressed through the medium of this forum. We haven't offered much input to date, but we do benefit greatly from the opportunity to re-discover that we're not alone in this.
All of my life I have had difficulty with swallowing (a dumpling stuck in my throat). Born with other problems involving my neck, head, facial development, etc. Dental work from age 4-5 on; fall from barn age 5; brother poured tobacco in my mouth while asleep (choking, gagging); attempted strangulation age 17; whiplash - problems after riding a roller coaster...
Just some as a young person. But, I think my pre-disposition of poor physical development as a fetus made me more likely to have problems with situations other people would not. I won't even address my problems as an adult...
Oh, my tonsils just decided to disappear at about age 7, after bouts of tonsillitis, strep throat, mumps, measles, etc. No surgery; dr. said that sometimes they just burst, slough off. We do have a couple of sets of tonsils, but the main one is what we usually notice.
Dear me, I think I will take a vacation to a warm and sunny sandy beach....
LadyGW need company? Roadtrip everyone, I call shotgun...
seriously, I have then older sis & younger sis I am one of 7 kids! my bike accident at 5 hitting telephone pole, the accidental karate chop to my thyroid area upom teasing an ex-BF i HS when we got home from seeing teh Exorcist, I was on a mattress placed low on floor like futon, he came out of bathroom, I looked Like Linda Blair back then, he lsahed out (accidentally) iwth his arm and clocke dm e in neck, so since...MANY dental procedures leading to Sjogren's dx (sero biopsy NEG tho) IgG issues, Lyme massive Klebsiella Oxytoca infections within last year or so, My tonsils removed age 31, regrowth of "tonsillar tissue" mostly near alveolar pads (that little piece connecting the upper jaw to bottom jaw where it's hinged, the pad sits right behind ourr last teeeth, mine shrunk so much, due to removal of all teeth? and have also regrowth of tosnil tissue/with a vallecular cyst removed taht had Klebsiella Oxytoca Pneumonia in it! and subeseuently being dxd w/Systemic sclerosis (microstomia was NOT dxd by any of the scleroderma docs and even tho my blood shows SS they tell me "it's not HIGH enough to dx!" WTF How high does Lyme, Scleroderma HAVE to be before a doc will diagnose & TREAT?!? I am getting sick of docs but always hold out hope one will come thru and dx and treat if at all possible. Therefor last night I was on Net emailing one in CO and he answered me back this AM, A'frickin'Mazing...I also have a genetic disorder coming to forefront called Glycine Encephalopathy...never ends and so begins 2014! with Hope! I won't get any imaging done yet as the MRI's with contrast are causing their own issues (I Hve high amounts of Gadolinium the imaging agent in blood and urine almost 6 yrs AFTer my last mRI w/contrast) just so you are all aware, http://www.auntminnie.com/index.aspx?sec=prtf&sub=def&pag=d... http://www.auntminnie.com/index.aspx?sec=prtf&sub=def&pag=d...
Cat, Boy, I am so ready after the past couple of years. Besides all the medical balony, there has been some serious personal problems here. But little ol me is always the one who makes sure everybody else's life is ok. With a little help from some (very few) supporters, I am girding my loins.. Trouble is at my age, just being normal can be tiring.
On to Glitter Paws..
My vocal cords are constantly inflamed and I was told it could be from GERD and nasal drainage. But I really don't have that problem. However, I think back to knowing about the VAGUS nerve, which controls all of our autonomic behavior and this could be part of the problem if it is irritated or whatever. I know part of my problem became rather serious after being intubated and I fought it, my voice was very raspy. I think this could have started the cycle to where I can't deal with it. But when no one dr. really has a handle on the whole picture, that is my worry.
I was in a car accident and then had a back surgery to repair the accident damage.. Being intubated immediately started my symptoms up. I think the car accident started the growth, and then being intubated got the symptoms going.
Not a single doctor (and I've seen many) has attempted to speculate on the cause.
perhaps due to it being IATROGENIC, as no matter whether caused via a medicine, or a doc's fault, no one ever wants to admit the MEdical Community at large, CAUSED this...that is until on the witness stand, Bible in hand and we pay an expert for "their side of the story" here's to "FIreside Fables of the Medical Variety" (in my best Robin Leach Brit accent) , coming to a cable channel near you!
PS: Wonder if doctors realize patients CAN & DO represent themselves...and WIN everytime! Ever hear the Teddy Roosevelt saying: "Walk softy and carry a bg stick?!" it might as well be, "Talk slowly and parry a big schtick!" to docs time is $ and inexperienced, pro se clients might just keep them on witness stands until they 'fess up!...no matter how many pictures, tissue samples and slides they lose, there is always more proof where that comes from! well I think you get the picture...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Stick_ideology
One of the Docs I saw too said I had the same thing. He says " Sure you have Eagles but that's not your problem"
he wouldn't even let me get a word in and just kept talking over me saying this was my exact problem. wtf
he said the acid would come up in my throat and burn my esophagus while I slept. Sure I get heart burn from time to time but don't think this is the problem. I Think he was just too scared to operate since he had only done it one other time.
Glitter Paws said:
My current ENT...lol...which I'm getting rid of and finding a new one said the following: my allergies are the cause. ?!?!?!?! He thinks the nasal drainage thus causes increased gastric juices (which does happen) but he says this gastric juice "creeps up" in my esophagus and inflames the NERVES in my neck. Ummmm...what? The esophagus is an enclosed lumen. These nerves (I.e. Hypoglossal, etc) are not inside my esophagus or in direct contact with my gastric juices. So that was an interesting theory.
Teddy Roosevelt saying: "Walk softy and carry a bg stick?!" ..... Cat, did he say this before or after polio took his legs and the medical community at the time failed him lol?
I agree with you Mt83, I think many doctors are terrified like a lot of people are, of what they don't fully understand. ES wasn't something they ever spent time on in medical school, its a foreign territory, and not many docs want to do a surgery that they haven't seen 20 times before, and frankly, what patient wants to be the first one to have that operation done if it is the doctor's first time.....
Yeah this doc was a Quack, he said under his breath 'ES never hurts patients Bilaterally'.... of course he wouldn't be one to know since he talks over his patients and never let them get a word in. He told me on his way out 'before you go barking up the ES tree get your acid re flux under control.' I have never been so mad at a Dr. before I wanted to go off on him.
LivelyCadaver said:
Teddy Roosevelt saying: "Walk softy and carry a bg stick?!" ..... Cat, did he say this before or after polio took his legs and the medical community at the time failed him lol?
I agree with you Mt83, I think many doctors are terrified like a lot of people are, of what they don't fully understand. ES wasn't something they ever spent time on in medical school, its a foreign territory, and not many docs want to do a surgery that they haven't seen 20 times before, and frankly, what patient wants to be the first one to have that operation done if it is the doctor's first time.....
My consultant stated that you're born with the elongated styloids; I'm debating talking to my identical twin to see if she can wangle x-rays to see if she has them too! That would knock that theory on the head if she doesn't! I think that David and his wife have a good suggestion with their theory; I had an accident quite a few years ago with whiplash and neck problems since, so there could be a link, a lot of us seem to have had head or neck trauma or tonsillectomies.
I had slightly misquoted, I should've said "SPEAK! instead of WALK" but have seen both in ref to Roosevelt- but I believe it was BEFORE he contracted polio (1921) as the quote was uttered during speech in 1901.
"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick" Speech
In this speech, Teddy Roosevelt first coined the phrase "Speak softly and carry a big stick." This quote would come to define his foreign policy as president and have a lasting impact on conservative foreign policy which can still be seen today. Roosevelt's main point with this phrase was to formulate a foreign policy were the U.S. would not "continually bluster" or lack civility, which a "big stick" cannot save you from. But speaking "softly" is useless as well if there is no power to back up one's words. Roosevelt wanted the U.S. to be respectful to foreign powers, and be able to back its words with deeds in order to attain "self-respecting peace."
LivelyCadaver said:
Teddy Roosevelt saying: "Walk softy and carry a bg stick?!" ..... Cat, did he say this before or after polio took his legs and the medical community at the time failed him lol?
I agree with you Mt83, I think many doctors are terrified like a lot of people are, of what they don't fully understand. ES wasn't something they ever spent time on in medical school, its a foreign territory, and not many docs want to do a surgery that they haven't seen 20 times before, and frankly, what patient wants to be the first one to have that operation done if it is the doctor's first time.....
Jules: Go for it!! what better way to prove cause and effect?! Having a twin, because your DNA Is IDENTICAL, would be ideal. But note they aren't ging to panorax xray anyone with asymptomatic requests...of note: I saw a case where they are holding two men for rape becaue they are twins and share DNA, fascinating case.
Recently, I tried to convince my older by 6 yrs sister to have blood work to see if she has Sjogren's. I have a sero and biopsy negative case, from dry eye to mouth,losin gALL MY TEETH, to pancreatitis to salivary stones are my sx., SHe has had bad teeth, salivary stones and a possible case of Thyroid dis, she claims are "because I went thru menopause at an early age!" OH Puhleeze! I too recently got a dx of Thyroid cancer and she won't even get a test for that either. ( Have you see our recent family photos? SHe is the one with her butt up in the air, her head in the sand and breaking bones in her shoulder falling over her damn dog...yes menopuase could have affected her with osteoporosis there, but eye issues, teeth issues and salivary stones may point to Sjogren's. I've been diagnosed with Sjogren's despite negativity because 40% can test NEG! and if I had breast cancer I wonder how she could effectively argue that it can't POSSIBLY happen to her. we may not be twins but we both have the same parents and anyone as ignorant as her deeserves to be reaeted by doctors not looking up any alley whatsoever until it's too late...
Jules said:
My consultant stated that you're born with the elongated styloids; I'm debating talking to my identical twin to see if she can wangle x-rays to see if she has them too! That would knock that theory on the head if she doesn't! I think that David and his wife have a good suggestion with their theory; I had an accident quite a few years ago with whiplash and neck problems since, so there could be a link, a lot of us seem to have had head or neck trauma or tonsillectomies.
Wow what an awesome point! let us know if you twin ever gets a CT scan. that would be great information to share.
Jules said:
My consultant stated that you're born with the elongated styloids; I'm debating talking to my identical twin to see if she can wangle x-rays to see if she has them too! That would knock that theory on the head if she doesn't! I think that David and his wife have a good suggestion with their theory; I had an accident quite a few years ago with whiplash and neck problems since, so there could be a link, a lot of us seem to have had head or neck trauma or tonsillectomies.
MT83 next time GO OFF ON THEM...it may help to let it out in a constructive manner no screaming, but stating what your beliefs are should at least get them to thinking..it is like they want to blame it on "the BOWELS of the face ie the sinuses, " because this is pretty much uncharted territory, but then the only way to get a view of this area, iwould be to give an MRI with contrast..http://www.auntminnie.com/index.aspx?sec=prtf&sub=def&pag=dis&itemId=106037&printpage=true&fsec=sup&fsub=mri perhaps leading to more people possibly developing more brain issues. other than what may have sent us to the drs in first place..I don't know If my gastro WAS telling me the truth when he told me he didn' tknow of the ADR of Fibrosing colonopathy via CREON use http://www.creon.com
mt83 said:
Yeah this doc was a Quack, he said under his breath 'ES never hurts patients Bilaterally'.... of course he wouldn't be one to know since he talks over his patients and never let them get a word in. He told me on his way out 'before you go barking up the ES tree get your acid re flux under control.' I have never been so mad at a Dr. before I wanted to go off on him.
LivelyCadaver said:Teddy Roosevelt saying: "Walk softy and carry a bg stick?!" ..... Cat, did he say this before or after polio took his legs and the medical community at the time failed him lol?
I agree with you Mt83, I think many doctors are terrified like a lot of people are, of what they don't fully understand. ES wasn't something they ever spent time on in medical school, its a foreign territory, and not many docs want to do a surgery that they haven't seen 20 times before, and frankly, what patient wants to be the first one to have that operation done if it is the doctor's first time.....
LOL your right the quote is speak instead of walk, ahh I don't take back my dark joke though, gets me through!
Cat said:
I had slightly misquoted, I should've said "SPEAK! instead of WALK" but have seen both in ref to Roosevelt- but I believe it was BEFORE he contracted polio (1921) as the quote was uttered during speech in 1901.whether * Polio or Guillain Barre: if you ask me, he could've also really had LYME (see OtZI 3,500 yr old caveman in Alps: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otzi (more at site:) Ötzi (German pronunciation: [ˈœtsi] (listen); also called Ötzi the Iceman, theSimilaun Man, the Man from Hauslabjoch, Homo tyrolensis, and theHauslabjoch mummy) is a well-preserved natural mummy of a man who lived around 3,300 BCE.[2][3] The mummy was found in September 1991 in the Ötztal Alps, hence Ötzi, near the Similaun mountain and Hauslabjochon the border between Austria and Italy.[4] He is Europe's oldest known natural human mummy, and has offered an unprecedented view ofChalcolithic Europeans. His body and belongings are displayed in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy.
so unless they got some of Otzi's Lyme spirochetes BEFORE they found him and fought over his body (Italy & Switzerland argued over exactly where he was found, thus ownership) and placed spirochetes at the labs on Plum island at tip of Long Island, causing our modern day outbreak of Lyme that is now being seen at TeN FOLD the prior numbers of affected AND covering this up, perhaps THAT is how may are being sickened and perhaps too the real cause of "syphilis" I am not jesting here but have been reading how BOTH diseases are spirochetal in nature…So did the medical community actually and purposefully "spread out misinformation of illness and disease" in the manner which we now see, on purpose, to keep us "off-track" and to artificially bolster "medicine" as a business? Until the Church go involved in medieval Europe & Rome, women were allowed to deliver babies and practice medicine then Church got involved and women's roles were lessened until the 1960's and Womens' Rights(sorry I got off track a bit here) I read a lot growing up and at times now)http://www.intellectualtakeout.org/library/primary-sources/speak-so..."Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick" Speech
President Theodore RooseveltStar TribuneSeptember 2, 1901In this speech, Teddy Roosevelt first coined the phrase "Speak softly and carry a big stick." This quote would come to define his foreign policy as president and have a lasting impact on conservative foreign policy which can still be seen today. Roosevelt's main point with this phrase was to formulate a foreign policy were the U.S. would not "continually bluster" or lack civility, which a "big stick" cannot save you from. But speaking "softly" is useless as well if there is no power to back up one's words. Roosevelt wanted the U.S. to be respectful to foreign powers, and be able to back its words with deeds in order to attain "self-respecting peace."
LivelyCadaver said:Teddy Roosevelt saying: "Walk softy and carry a bg stick?!" ..... Cat, did he say this before or after polio took his legs and the medical community at the time failed him lol?
I agree with you Mt83, I think many doctors are terrified like a lot of people are, of what they don't fully understand. ES wasn't something they ever spent time on in medical school, its a foreign territory, and not many docs want to do a surgery that they haven't seen 20 times before, and frankly, what patient wants to be the first one to have that operation done if it is the doctor's first time.....