CW- Period during surgery

My surgery is Friday and I just started my period today. Has anybody been on theirs during this surgery? Anything I should know? I’m so frustrated! Of course I started early this month :sob:

I’m sorry for the bad timing for you!! This shouldn’t be a problem, @speechiemom14. ES surgery has relatively low blood loss & since everything is done in the area of the neck around the jaw/ears, your lower body is non-impacted. You can ask your surgeon or contact the surgery center/hospital where you’re having the surgery to ask questions if you don’t get a response here. I assume this isn’t an uncommon problem, & some other woman here has had that experience.

That’s good to hear, thank you!!! I’m hoping some others speak up or have experienced it as well.

Bad timing! Can’t offer you any advice other than seconding what Isaiah has said, but I hope all goes well for your surgery and that you heal quickly! Will be praying for you, God Bless :hugs: :pray:

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Yes, my DD was the same. No problems though. I suggest just letting your attending nurses know. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


I only giggle because no lie, I was just counting out my cycle yesterday to see where I land in the month I’m supposed to be scheduled. Based on past experience, just call the surgeons nurse and let them know. Typically you’re completely undressed except a gown but under these circumstances, they’ll have you keep panties on and use a pad. Although your surgeons office may request otherwise :blush:. Best wishes for an uneventful and successful surgery!


Good luck on Friday! Wishing you the best.


Hi speechiemom14!
I started my period the day of surgery, so I know how you feel. I told the nurse when I went to check in and they put me on a small puppy pad looking thing on my bed that they had me on for surgery. It’s no big deal. Hope that helps and I hope your surgery helps you. :slight_smile:


Hi, I am a retired nurse who has previously worked on surgical wards for many years. I live in England, and can’t see why there would be a problem. Just let the medical staff know when you arrive for your surgery. Good luck, hope your surgery resolves your pain.


“Small puppy pad”. Oh my. I’m a VERY heavy bleeder and use a cup that i have to empty several times a day. I lose about 200 ml. So I’m defo going to have say something. They might think I’m haemorrhaging!

Defo mention it then! :hugs:

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YIKES! Good thing the surgery is blood conservative! You’ll be taken good care of as I’m sure you’re not the first person they’ve had to deal with in this regard. :blush:

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I hope your surgery went perfectly today. We look forward to hearing from you when you feel good enough to update us.

Sending a healing hug! :hugs:


Thanks guys! They said it was superrrrr common in women of child bearing age because of the stress of surgery. It wasn’t a big deal at all, just annoying!