Does this sound like eagles syndrome

I’m just curious how far down the neck is it? Close to the jaw? Midway? Close to the collar bone?

It is almost exactly in line with the angle of the jaw straight down from the ear.

Let us know how you get on with treatment for that- did they find any problems with the styloids or ligaments as well? Can they treat it at that hospital or will you have to go to a specialist hospital?

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They didn’t find anything wrong with the styloids or ligaments but the hemangioma is quite close to the ligament, I had a ultrasound on it to see the blood flow on it as well and still waiting to see the specialist. The original throat pain was down to a compacted wisdom tooth that has now been removed and cured that pain. Will report back when I have seen the specialist x

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I feel that bone in the styloid area too and the medical won’t believe me, and I had CBCT scan proving it is there, then they run their dumb tests and claim it’s not there.

That hemangioma doesn’t sound like something that causes a pain and feeling of a mass, it’s just a skin abnormality? And wouldn’t it just be on the outside and be visible?

The hemangioma isn’t on the outside it is under the skin on the neck muscle. I will be speaking to the specialist to check that the styloid are definitely not a problem though x