Dr. Mohammad Khaled - Hartford Medical

Dr. Khaled is on our Doctors List & our member @Tommyh had his surgery with him. He has recently posted that he’s still having some trouble w/ dizziness post op & is going to start vestibular therapy. Dr. Khaled is still doing ES surgery, but we have no information as to whether or not he deals w/ VES.

All doctors have cases that don’t fully resolve symptoms even when the surgery is done well. That has to do w/ the fact we’re each designed a bit differently & have unique physical reactions to the stresses of the illness & the surgery to help resolve symptoms. Then there is the fact that some of us heal more slowly than others. There are also cases where obscure (& sadly, sometimes obvious) things are missed & so not all problems resolve.

Most of the doctors who’ve stopped doing ES surgery have superiors who have made that decision on their behalves or they’ve retired & a few have died. Since these doctors are often cancer specialists, & there are many more patients w/ cancer than ES, they’re requested to more completely focus on the cancer patients. Sadly that leaves ES patients with less qualified doctors to help them. Honestly, we haven’t had very many doctors from our Doctors List stop doing ES surgery. There have only been a few.

Good idea to email Shantel if you hear nothing tomorrow & follow the email up with a phone call if you don’t get a timely response. I know these “super specialists” are busy but their office staffs need to make good on their timing when they promise to reply by a specific date. If they don’t have an answer at the appointed time, they could at least let the patients know that.

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