Hi all, thanks for accepting me into this group, so nice I can ask questions here, a lot of uncertainty. I don’t have a diagnosis but I hope to find out whether I have ES or not. For a few years now I have had throat and ear pains (also blurred vision, burning sore mouth, dizziness, tinnitus, sore jaws and more…) that no doctor can really explain. It comes and goes, sometimes worse than others. My neurologist says it could be glossopharyngeal neuralgia and also trigeminal neuralgia even though it cannot be seen on the MRI scan.
I recognize many of my complaints in Eagle Syndrome.
I went to the dentist last year because of a toothache and he took a photo (so unfortunately not very recent). Is elongation of the styloid process visible here, what do you think…? Can I possibly find photos here to compare? Of course you are not doctors, but I would like to hear if you think there is a possibility that it is Eagle Syndrome.
Thank you in advance and grateful that this is possible!
Kind regards,
Hi & welcome!
Your styloids show up really well in your x-ray, I’m sorry that I’m not good with technology or I would label them for you! Your right styloid (left side of the picture) looks quite jointed- that’s commonly seen when the stylo-hyoid ligament calcifies. It’s longer than average and is angled inwards, so that could well be enough to cause symptoms. Your left styloid, on the right in the image, is also long and angled, & it has quite a kink in it so that could well be irritating nerves…It looks like it has ‘joints’ in it too, so possible the ligament is calcified both sides.
Certainly looking at the images it’s worth pursuing ES as a possible diagnosis, so getting a CT done will be good. Is the neurologist aware of ES do you know? If not we suggest that you get a print out of one or two research papers which show that TN and GPN can be caused by ES, or trying to get a referral to a doctor experienced with ES.
Have a look at @CoHDa’s x-ray image, you can see the styloid on the right side of the pic:
My Panoramic X-ray and CT - General / Eagle Syndrome Stories - Living with Eagle
I can’t find any others that have been labelled for you to compare yours with, hopefully one of our members who can do this for you will show you!
Hi Jules,
Thank you for taking the time to look at this and giving your opinion. Yes, I see what you’re saying so my thoughts for having ES could be possible. I hope someone will recognise my symptoms, would love to hear that.
I’ve been having lots of meds, but nothing seem to help so far.
Do you know a good link with research papers which show that TN and GPN can be caused by ES?
My neurologist doesn’t think it’s ES, but the MRI wasn’t done with contrast so does it show than? Isn’t a CT scan better to diagnose it?
Hopefully a CT scan is possible soon!