Hello and thank you first and foremost on sharing in this journey with me!
I’ve been dealing with some pretty bad flare ups of pain and tightness lately in my left jaw/ear area - which have led me to discover Eagle Syndrome (and this wonderful place!).
A little bit about my journey so far…I’ve been seeing doctors non-stop with no success for over 2 years. I’ve been dealing with some symptoms that include: dizziness, lightheadedness, trouble swallowing or catching breath, left shoulder/chest pain, droopy left eye-lid, jaw pain below ear, left jugular distention and tight left veins from left collarbone.
What was the “OK, I need to get looked at” moment was about 4 months ago when I had a Panic Attack. I truly thought I was having a heart attack or a stroke as out of nowhere while working (office job) I couldnt stand, got super light headed and dizzy, heart rate at 130 and vision blurred. I fell to the ground and called 911 who arrived and said it didnt render symptoms to go to the ER.
I pushed hard and my doctor ordered a brain MRI W and W/O contrast, CT of Chest W and W/O contrast, and CT spine W contrast. All came back negative for anything serious other than what they called a “Thornwaldt Cyst” on the MRI that they said was benign (except if it gives symptoms of bad breath, post nasal drip, vertigo, or estuation tube discomfort). My doc assured me none of my symptoms matched with a serious condition of Thornwaldt.
I’ve added all of the scans that I could below and would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m not well versed in looking for things on these, but wanted to rule any and all things out before I go to discuss (and obviously share these) with my ENT appointment next week. I apologize if these arent perfect views but they are all I have (and those CT’s and MRI’s are pocket breakers).
My self thoughts are: TMJ, Eagle Syndrome, or TOS (Thoractic Outlet Syndrome). I also am not well versed in the symptoms of Thornwaldt cyst, but possibly could have that looked at more on next ENT visit.
Any help or experiences with symptoms or on these scans would be greatly appreciated! After 2 years of doctors visits (and sounding like a hypo) I can’t find any outlet to help.