Eagle syndrome? picture attached

I have been having constant facial numbness and ear pain on and off for about 2 weeks. I went to the dentist thinking tooth problems and urgent care said ears looked fine. Dentist did a complete panel and said that he thinks it's eagle syndrome. He has never had a patient with it before. I am looking at the imaging and I can see a faint line but nothing compared to what images you can find on google. Can someone look at it and see what you think? He also suggested a neurologist because of the facial numbness and I have an appointment set for next week.

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Get a ct scan(with and w/o die) of the neck and lower jaw demand a CD copy of images. You should be able to know for sure with that.post questionable screen shots of images if you need help identifying ES. I had to call my radiology Dr back because he completely missed my ES so dont doubt your self if you think you spot it

Fyi I had facial numbness and vision problems due my ES. Confirmed. They are gone now after surgery

Also my ES was not visable with a panoramic xray only ct scan

Hi -- I just had this taken the other day .... it is my right styloid. It was taken at a oral surgeon's office by way of a 'cone X-ray' which I found out about on this side.

My right styloid is 6.23 cm ... and goes way down as you can see.

I believe I've figured out that cause of my pain is not necessarily the styloid itself but the compressed trigeminal nerve. I'm one of the 'lucky ones' who has bilateral trigeminal neuralgia. My left styloid is also long ... just under 6 cm.

Good luck with the neurologist ...


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Hello Hopeful,

Just below your ear, there is a white peak that points away from the back of your head and just below that there is what appears to be a hollow ring. It is hard to tell from the X-ray, but if that is your Atlas vertebra (C1), then it looks like you have the same conditions as me: An Arcuate Foramen, aka Posterior Ponticle, aka Kimmerle Anomaly. I have attached some descriptions. This condition can also impinge the vertebral artery and the 1st Cervical nerve. You may want to have that area of the X-Ray checked out to confirm (or not) this condition.

I wonder how many of us have both ES and this condition.

Red Pill

Hopeful said:

Hi -- I just had this taken the other day .... it is my right styloid. It was taken at a oral surgeon's office by way of a 'cone X-ray' which I found out about on this side.

My right styloid is 6.23 cm ... and goes way down as you can see.

I believe I've figured out that cause of my pain is not necessarily the styloid itself but the compressed trigeminal nerve. I'm one of the 'lucky ones' who has bilateral trigeminal neuralgia. My left styloid is also long ... just under 6 cm.

Good luck with the neurologist ...


346-ArcuateForamenDescription.JPG (1.16 MB) 347-ArcuateForamenPicture.JPG (1010 KB)