Going the non-surgical route - Prolotherapy

I've found a doctor who does Prolotherapy, so I am trying that before surgery. I don't think my symptoms are as bad as some of you on this site, so I am not as desperate. So far I've had three appointments - two of just manipulations of the jaw and neck area and one for prolo injections. It is helping! The sensation of fullness in my ear and stiffness in my neck have lessened quite a bit.

I'm also talking with my dentist, as my bite has changed quite a bit over the years because of dental work. My jaw is not at the same angle it was when I was younger. So braces may be in my future. Unfortunately, medicare doesn't cover them. Sigh.

I think no matter which route you choose, a lot of the outcome depends on the skill of the doctor. I am very pleased with mine. I live in the Louisville, KY area and I am seeing Dr. Steven Johnson of Evergreen Medical Center in Jeffersonville, IN. He is a doctor of osteopathy, so he knows his bones! He knew what Eagle's syndrome was when I brought it up to him and he discussed alternatives with me. I'm going to have 2 more prolo injections, alternated with physical manipulations. One appointment a week, so this will last another month. Then we'll reevaluate and decide what's next.

Hope my experience helps anyone trying to decide what to do. I'll be glad to give my feedback on any questions you might have.

Thanks for teaching me something new, Scrappy. I had to look up prolotherapy. Here is a Wall Street Journal article, for anyone who is interested in learning more: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304410504575560214236534310

It sounds like further studies are needed. In the meantime, we will be interested to hear about your experience, Scrappy.

Interesting article. I have not had any negative side effects. Only felt a small pin prick when the needle was inserted, but I understand that there was a numbing agent in the solution. Yes, my doctor mixed his own concoction to inject. Not sure exactly what was in it, but I did make sure there were not animal fluids as I was leery of an allergic reaction.

I'll be having three actual injections and then we'll reevaluate. I understand the reluctance of the medical community to accept prolo, but I also understand that there is a lot that the medical community does not understand. If it works for me, even if it is a placebo effect, I'll take it.

I'll keep you posted.

thank you for sharing this info!!

Yes Thank you for sharing. Didn't know this was an option..

Hi! Did prolotherapy and the manipulations help you?

Hello I am looking onto Prolotherapy did it help you ? What are your thoughts…

Its been sometime since this thread was started. Ive spend decades with neck problems and have neck instability from elhers danlos-hypermobility although I didnt know it at the time. Ive had ongoing TMJ issues too. I have had in the past numerous rounds of prolotherapy (mixed with a cocktail of drugs - condrioitin was one of them) which helped tighten up the ligaments in my neck as they would not seem to hold adjustments anymore. Ive even wondered if prolo helped cause the calcified ligaments in my neck but no data to support that? At the time, it seemed helpful.
Based on what I know about prolotherapy, tightening the ligaments in the neck might not be the right approach.
IN the past few years, I had all kinds of injections or mixes up steroids, Nerve blocks and botox and dry needling. After a couple years of that and worsening of pain, I had surgery in 2020 on both sides. Sometimes when the ligaments are so tight and wont release, the process of inserting needles (such as dry needling) can help release them.
Prolotherapy can be helpful when used in certain circumstances.

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I had a conversation with my physical therapist about this since seeing this and because I have other pain issues
Prolotherapy is effective on weak joints and ligaments, not muscle, tendons or bones.
The styloid is bone.When the stylohyoid ligament is involved in Eagles syndrome, it has ossified and is not flexible or weak.It is hard. Not only can it not work, but I would not want anyone to inject a bunch of needles of irritants into an area that is already highly painful and inflamed.
I do have a ligament in my ankle that is weak. I might try prolotherapy only if the ligament is not significantly torn.
Maybe in a shoulder joint if there are no tears
Hope this helps.


I agree emma ie: prolo-therapy not a good treatment for eagles. I had a TMJ doc suggest that the ligaments and tendons tightening down on the calcificiations in the neck may be a cause of pain in alot of Eagles patients? I think he may have a point to consider but not all of what causes our pain. I do recall my ES surgeon mentioning that my neck was very tight when he cut into me - much like a vice. After years of pain, I think our bodies tense up and create vicious cycles of pain that include inflammation.
Ive had varying degrees of success with acupunture as well as dry needling especially in shoulder area. The dry needling inserted in tight muscles is designed to help release the muscles and ligaments. It is often used in more progressive pain center clinics. It one way of trying to disrupt the pain cycles or pain paths to the brain.

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