Question to those who had heart rate problem because of compressing the vagus nerve in their neck.
Was it always like palpitations or maybe sometimes it was like cardiac arythmia? I mean, that your heart beating normal but it stops just for a second and you have to take a deep breath. Does enybody know that feeling? Or maybe it's impossible to have that because of elongated styloid?
I started having heart arrhythmias a few weeks ago too. Had an ekg and it showed it was beating early. Almost like a flutter but scaring the heck out of me. I have to take a deep breath after because it just feels better when it pounds in my throat. They have stopped since but I’ve noticed on days I work hard and do labor where my heart rate increases, it comes back mainly in the evenings. I can’t help but think it’s related to my ES. I see a specialist next week.
Thank you for your answer. Please let me know if it's related and what they said about it. Thank you and wish you luck and symptom free life.
Heather B said:
I started having heart arrhythmias a few weeks ago too. Had an ekg and it showed it was beating early. Almost like a flutter but scaring the heck out of me. I have to take a deep breath after because it just feels better when it pounds in my throat. They have stopped since but I've noticed on days I work hard and do labor where my heart rate increases, it comes back mainly in the evenings. I can't help but think it's related to my ES. I see a specialist next week.
I just had surgery on my right side, but now my left side is giving me issues....recently I had weird heartbeat stuff going on too,....and I swear it's connected to my eagles on my left side. I also assumed vagus nerve interference.
I guess it depends if a Dr finds its compressing a artery or I mean if it is ,the stress this syndrome puts,on your body I think puts extra stress on your heart the unknown and lost of health gives me anxiety I called 911 once besides the fact my tounge and forehead were tingling like when you foot falls asleep thought it was it was scared to drive to hospital lately been feeling a burning thunder feeling on my chest right side were styliod was removed 2010 been Taking valium the last 5 months at night helps in the morning when I open eyes and know its still there its like a bad groundhogs day the switch gets flipped then never turns off
I have cardiac issues which could be explained by my vagus nerve. I experience fast heart rates out of the blue in excess of 180 bpm at rest and also skipped beats and pauses. I often wake in the night gasping for air. Mr dr thinks it’s due to irritation of the vagus due to eagles
Did you have surgery or do you have those symptoms without surgery?
cheekychops said:
I have cardiac issues which could be explained by my vagus nerve. I experience fast heart rates out of the blue in excess of 180 bpm at rest and also skipped beats and pauses. I often wake in the night gasping for air. Mr dr thinks it's due to irritation of the vagus due to eagles
Had symptoms before surgery,but still.get them post surgery. I have.also become very sensitive to drugs. Medicines of any sort irritate my heart. I’ve got a bubble on. Retina too,which dr thinks is related to Eagles and calcification