@1speechpick Interesting. Ignore my previous question (edited the message). I have seen cases where the Hyoid Greater Horn was very close to the 4th Vertebrae but I went back to your earlier images, I was able to see it in one of the images you sent (bit faint because screenshots and zooming effect). I was focused on the left side earlier where it does lie between your Carotid bifurcation which is obvious on the image and could be rubbing one of your Carotid arteries. The old CT scan image DOES show the close proximity of the right Hyoid horn to the right Vertebrae. Do you have symptoms of clicking sound when swallowing? Do you have any swallowing difficulty? If the Hyoid bone was to get hooked on the Vertebrae, your swallowing will be affected I assume.
Red Arrow is pointing the right Hyoid Greater Horn sitting close proximity to the transverse process of one of the right Vertebrae ( Blue arrow).
Did he say anything about the left Hyoid horn (Red arrow) which is touching the left External Carotid artery (Cyan Arrow)