Living with Eagle's syndrome study..any volunteers

Anyone interested in filling out a questionnaire about Eagle syndrome? There are so many obvious but similar vague symptoms that we all have. I want to make it head to toe questionnaire. Also, have a human body that we could mark on. Also, compare before and after surgery symptoms. I am interested in posting my styloids on CT SCAN. This is all volunteer. Any suggestions to make this easier or to compile all information please add.

I’m interesting :slight_smile: that’s a really good idea.


Ang did a survey back in July. I am not sure where the results are:

Tee, Let me know if you can find the survey results. Or is it possible to have new ES patients after 6/2013 to answer the survey questions? Thank you!

I'll do it. Anything I can do to help? Maybe break down the symptoms into categories like ear pain/fullness, neck pain, foreign body in throat, eye pain, headache, dizziness, vertigo, trouble swallowing, visual problems, palpitations etc... just to name a few with a section to comment on each area and a pain scale or scale of disruption of daily life as a way to quantify how severe the symptoms are. Also what about misdiagnoses on a separate sheet? Number of trips to GPs, ENTs, neurologists. I have a great pain scale. I can also find a scale for daily life. I am really busy through the end of this week and am leaving to see Dr. Samji on Sunday. But when I get back after my trip I can help. Thanks so much Amy.

PS Pics are good too. I will have before and after pics of my left styloid process after my visit :) Just have to find a PC to download them as I have a Mac.

Maybe we could post pics on here with length.

Is it possible to add an survery icon to click on here??

If not, maybe making a Facebook page just for posting our images and posting survey.