Does Eagle Syndrome Regrow?

Hello everyone. I was so glad to see this website. I've been reading some of the comments and it is refreshing to know I am not alone. I had surgery bilaterally in 2001. For years I had pain, ringing in my ears, a fullness in my right ear and a stiff neck. I told the doctors about it but they always told me I had nothing wrong. Finally, a dentist took a panoramic x ray and the problem was seen. Now after all these years I think the styloids are growing back. I hope not and wonder if any of you have experienced them coming back? I had the surgery at University of NM but now I am living in NC. Does anyone know of a Dr at Duke University? I heard this is where it was found so hopefully someone there can see if this is my situation.....I went all these years without pain and it is like a bad nightmare to think it is back......If you have any information on a Dr around Durham area please let me know. Thanks again.....

We've had a couple on the forum recently who've had their styloids grow back. I think Krista recently had surgery with a doctor at Duke who sounded really good. I don't know if she wanted the doctor's name posted yet, so it would be best to contact her. Why don't you send her a friend request and ask her the name of her doctor. ,

This is a question I have been wanting to raise for some while, so I am very glad the discussion has come up. I'd much appreciate knowing just how many people have experienced this, and my second question is: is Eagle's Syndrome hereditary? Should one suggest to one's children that they should be aware, and look out for symptoms of Eagle's Syndrome?

Hello, Cyrba, I was told that this is random and few, but I have come to find out much differently. I am trying to get in touch with a young lady on here that surgery at Duke recently so she can tell me what Dr she used. I wish there was more research on this and why. If you think about it, the styloids look like tusks of an elephant. If thee is a genetic component I am not sure, but I do think there is an evolutionary factor to all of this. If I find out anything more I will let you know.

Thanks for the reply!!!

yellowmoon said:

Hello, Cyrba, I was told that this is random and few, but I have come to find out much differently. I am trying to get in touch with a young lady on here that surgery at Duke recently so she can tell me what Dr she used. I wish there was more research on this and why. If you think about it, the styloids look like tusks of an elephant. If thee is a genetic component I am not sure, but I do think there is an evolutionary factor to all of this. If I find out anything more I will let you know.

Thanks for the reply!!!

Cyrba said:

Thanks yellowmoon - I am going to see whether we have any further responses, and any more answers. Something which has been troubling me!

yellowmoon said:

Hello, Cyrba, I was told that this is random and few, but I have come to find out much differently. I am trying to get in touch with a young lady on here that surgery at Duke recently so she can tell me what Dr she used. I wish there was more research on this and why. If you think about it, the styloids look like tusks of an elephant. If thee is a genetic component I am not sure, but I do think there is an evolutionary factor to all of this. If I find out anything more I will let you know.

Thanks for the reply!!!

Hello Yellowmoon! I just saw this. I had surgery almost a month ago with Dr. Sharpe - Duke Otolaryngology in Durham, NC. I hope that is helpful if you have any other questions about her feel free to message me. I am happy to help :)

Question for you after you had the surgery, did the surgeon explain to you whether the styloids were just elongated, elongated and fully calcified, or elongated full calcified styloids and ligaments? From my knowledge and research there are so many different variables that go along with ES.

I had a ct tooken 2 years after surgery and it showed no re growth

Thank you Krista3!

No Im learning more now than I ever thought there was to ES. I thought I was a rare bird, but Im finding out different. I will get in touch with Dr Sharpe and get an appt asap. I do not know which of the variables I was but I am going to send for the records and figure this out. I dont want to go backwards cause the last time was a nightmare.....and people think your crazy with the symptoms.....

Hope your feeling better and this is all past you......interesting this this ES....take care and God Bless!!!!

Hello! Dr. Mathew Ellington at Duke is a wonderful surgeon. Duke system office is located in Raliegh, NC. Good luck!

Unfortunately, we are dealing with this now and yes, it appears the styloid has re-grown.

Wow, his surgery was just about a year ago. I've never heard of a styloid growing back that fast. I'm so sorry to hear that - your son has been through so much. I think you said either in another post or in our emails that they both grew back. I hope the doctor will be able to do revision surgeries and get it all out. To me, this lends more credence to the idea of getting the whole styloid taken out down to the skull base.

Regarding the question of heredity - I have ES and my first cousin on my dad's side has it. We are now questioning whether some strange vascular and cardio symptoms my dad had for the last couple of years before he died (this year) might have been caused by vascular ES. He was never checked for ES but no neurologist or cardiologist was ever able to properly diagnose the cause of his symptoms. If my dad had it then I would say there is definitely a hereditary link in my family.

God's Blessing has also posted that 2 of her children have it in addition to herself so there seems to be a hereditary component in her family.