Looking for investigatory surgery in the UK - Any recommendations?

@Callmestar1 In addition to the material I posted yesterday, I would like you to answer few questions regarding the clicking sound in the throat in order to better guide you.

  1. Lie flat on the floor with your neck extended and straight, Try to reproduce the clicking sound and let me know if you can or can’t? I expect, you will have difficulty in reproducing it but let me know anyways.

  2. Is the clicking sound produced more when turning the neck or when the neck is in flexion (tilted/facing downwards) ?

  3. Did you have a neck injury/trauma before the symptoms appear?

I will wait for your answers, my assumption is that your thyroid cartilage horns might be displaced\misaligned and touching hyoid bone or the gab between the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone is small therefore friction between them is producing the sound.

Got this pic from the internet to show you the thyroid cartilage and the hyoid I am talking about. The arrows points the horns (sides) that might be touching.
thyroid cartilage

I got this pic from the internet as well and in image B it shows how the thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone are touching each other - potentially causing symptoms you describe. Image A shows normal one.


Since CT scans are done on lying flat with potentially neck extended, it might not show when the thyroid cartilage and the bone touch and scratch each other making noises you hear. There is also variant of this which involves hyoid bone and vertebrae as I explained in my earlier post.