I am a new member and am really impressed with the comments I have read so far ... and there are so many. When I was told this condition was rare and even more rare with symptoms it does leave you feeling rather isolated.
I wonder if anyone can tell me if x-rays are accurate in pinpointing a calcified ligament or extended bone. Today I had an x-ray and the radiographer said he couldn't find anything but would report back to my GP. Over the last six - seven years I have had several appointments with a Consultant at ENT who twice put a camera down my throat, checked my ears and couldn't find anything. I have had an MRI scan and nothing showed up. But at my last visit a Consultant said that she had come across what I have described as symptoms - something in the throat, soreness in throat and ear including headaches. She had treated dancers in India and apparently this is common in those dancers who move their heads from side to side, obviously causing damage over the years. She pressed inside my mouth and under the tongue and it was painful and that's when I first heard of Eagle's Syndrome.
I would really like a positive diagnosis because I am beginning to feel as though I am not believed.
I have also been diagnosed with a thyroid condition and was asked if I had had any trauma to that side of my neck and I can't think of any trauma to that area.
I would also be interested in exploring surgery. Can anyone tell me if there is a problem in the U.K. finding surgeons who can do this type of operation. I get the impression this is a big setback. I do not want to stay on painkillers indefinitely. As it happens I was told to take Ibuprofen but they don't work nor does codeine. I understand that this type of operation is not without its risks. I will ask my Consultant when I see her again but would be interested if anyone here has had the operation in this country and where did they get it done and by whom.
Really would love to hear from you.