Looking for more hope

Six days out from left decompression with Hepworth. He shaved .25 inch off my left c1 and some styloid (I thought Hackman got it all last December but apparently not). Woke up with out of this world anxiety (wondering if swelling and pushing on vagus nerve is causing this). Feel like this actually happened the last time on day 6. The one change I’ve noticed is I can lay on my left side again and somewhat turn my head to the left (im fused) without triggering a massive two day headache. Anyway can someone tell me that life can get better, that it won’t always be like this, that Hepworth can be trusted, and I’m early in healing stage and there may be more changes (I really wanted to be the person who woke up fixed). That even if I did need a stent that it could be successful. That I’ll be the mom and wife I want to be if I keep pushing on! Bless you all. No one else could possibly understand.


I’m so sorry that you didn’t wake up instantly symptom free, sadly that rarely happens…you’re right about the anxiety that it could be the vagus nerve having been irritated- others have had issues and it does calm down with time. In the mean time, try any relaxation techniques you can, listening to calming music, deep breathing if it’s not too painful etc. Focus on yourself and your healing for now, and try not to stress as this can delay your body’s response & ability to heal. You’ve had surgeries before, so you know it’s still early days…Focus on the positives if you can, if you’ve seen some improvements already that’s great! It shows that the surgery has done some good if you can lie on that side & don’t get a headache…patience is key with this surgery, members have come back on a year later and said that they’ve felt better! (I was totally put off surgery by a member who saw the doctor I was planning to- he posted regularly the first couple of weeks about how dreadful he felt, how he regretted having the surgery etc. Anyhow, he then went quiet & I messaged him several months later, he said he felt great & the surgery had been successful, only he hadn’t bothered coming back on to let us know! He had VES, IJV compression. So even if you do feel rough, hang in there & keep the hope alive that things will improve)
People travel from all over the US, and the fact that he’s so booked up should tell you what a good doctor he is. Others have said that he will work with you to find causes for symptoms, & won’t just give up on patients. I’m UK so haven’t seen him, but there are plenty of stories on here from very happy members, and I’ll pray that you’ll soon be joining them. Keep fighting to be the mum & wife you want to be…sending you hugs :hugs: :pray:


God bless you :pray::heart::face_holding_back_tears: Just what I needed to hear.


@JSwing It took me about 2 weeks to be free from the post operative pain and headache. Dr. Nakaji told me that a lot of muscle retraction happens during the surgery and then post surgery that all has to heal. I used to get terrible left sided headaches but since recovering from the surgery itself, I haven’t had a single headache. Leaving for Phoenix today for right side decompression on the 14th. Wishing you well on your recovery.


@Chrickychricky I’m glad the headaches are better, and will be thinking of you having another surgery, prayers and hugs for you too :pray: :hugs:

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I’ll also be praying for you, especially on Mon, @Chrickychricky, hoping for your second surgery to take away any symptoms that remain. :gift_heart:

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@JSwing - the first week post op is generally when the swelling peaks & symptoms get worse. Days 3-5 or 6 are the worst! Some doctors Rx a course of prednisone post op, but I understand Dr. Hepworth doesn’t. If you still feel pretty miserable into week 2, it would be worthwhile requesting a 10-14 day course of prednisone to help your body get a jump on swelling reduction. It made a big difference for me after each of my styloidectomies. Here’s praying & hoping you will start feeling better this week. :hugs::gift_heart:

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