Hi Everyone!
I was diagnosed w/ bilateral ES 1.5 years ago by my dentist. When I was diagnosed, I was scared out of my mind after reading about all the possible complications from ES. After seeing several doctors. I ended up being referred to Stanford Audiology & Dr. Damrose, but he was fully booked pretty far out so I made an appointment w/ his associate, Dr. Dewan.
Dr. Dewan’s surgical approach didn’t feel right to me. She did give me an injection in my neck which didn’t help at all. I went back later to see Dr. Damrose. I was also referred to Dr. Samji whom Dr. Damrose mentored.
Long story short, COVID-19 hit & prolonged my follow-up to discuss ES surgery because Dr. Damrose had to serve military duty out of the country due to COVID-19. My insurance wouldn’t pay for me to see Dr. Samji who is in San Jose, but I had full coverage with Dr. Damrose. I finally was able to get my surgery scheduled & yesterday I had my surgery.
As I am writing this, I think it is very important for whoever reads my post to know how stressful this entire journey has been. I had pain on the left side of my face, pressure behind my eye & on the left side of my face, down my neck & behind my ear. It was an occasional sharp, stabbing nerve pain, but the pressure was constant. I have not been able to sleep on my left side for the last 1.5 years. I have been literally suffering for the last year & a half. There are no words to express how bad it’s been.
Yesterday I underwent my first surgery by Dr. Joseph Damrose at 1 pm. When it was removed, my left styloid measured 6-3/4 cm (about 2-3/4 inches). See picture below.
Immediately after surgery, I felt relief from the pressure & like the stress from the last year & a half had been lifted off of me. Dr. Damrose was exceedingly patient, kind & gentle throughout this whole process. He answered all my questions & helped me understand why I was having the symptoms. He was very honest about the fact that surgery could help relieve them but might not cure them. His team made me feel extremely comfortable throughout the entire surgery process which was very important to me because I was alone due to COVID. He blocked out 3 hrs for surgery but finished in 1.5 hours & told me it was a textbook surgery.
Immediately after surgery, I was pretty groggy. The IV pain meds kept me out of pain. I also received an injection of Decadron to help give me some longer term relief from swelling. At my request, I was sent home w/ Norco for pain.
Today, I have some soreness in my neck but I’m able to eat & drink. I have a little trouble swallowing so am eating softer foods.The pressure in my face & neck are gone & my other symptoms have decreased dramatically. I’ve been able to take only Tylenol for pain & have been using ice intermittently.
I’m so impressed w/ Dr. Damrose’s approach & can’t wait to have my other styloid removed. I feel like I’m on my way to getting back to life as I once knew it. The anxiety & stress leading up to the surgery was way worse than the surgery. Today I’m very happy, relieved & thankful. I’m excited to go home tomorrow & rest up & heal. I feel like Dr. Damrose has given me a huge chunk of my life back & I’m so grateful. He is AMAZING at what he does. I highly recommend him if you are suffering from ES.