So glad your surgery is done. I second Jules’ hopes and will also pray.
Thanks… happy to be home but weird there is no covering over my incision… not even steri strips
Trying to find out what your symptoms were before your surgery? I am going through hell…hope you are healing well and lose every symptom that you suffered with. Please reach out to me when you can…Thanks
Check out the first post… it lists all of my symptoms, etc and let me know if you have any questions
Every surgeon is different in how they finish off the incision. I had steristrips on mine but really didn’t need them. My stitches were internal & the type that dissolve. When your incision is pretty well healed in 3-4 weeks, start applying Mederma cream to the scar. You can buy it at most pharmacies (Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid) & on Amazon. It really helps minimize the scarring. I bought the kind w/ sunscreen in it as my surgeon recommended using that for 6 months post op to help protect the new skin. My scars are barely visible now…they look like neck creases. Thankfully, my surgeon made the effort to cut in my neck creases which helped.
Your incision looks great! He did a good job & it looks like he cut in your natural neck crease as well.
I’m glad that you are home. Sending healing wishes🌹
My incision history is much like Isaiah’s - I use Mederma daily and can’t see one of them already.
I hope you are starting to see some pain relief!
I had surgery #2 yesterday and it went perfectly! Much less swelling and hardly any mouth droop! only “odd” thing is that either the bone had grown longer since my first surgery or the CT was inaccurate. What he found on the right side was exactly the same as the CT measurement when he did the July surgery. Yesterday’s measurement was 1.1 bigger so fairly significant. Anyway, awake in the middle of the night in the hospital so thought I’d share
Glad it went well, & hope that you soon recover! There is research which states that there can be inaccuracies with scans & other members have found the same as you, although if it was a year ago it could’ve grown some more…anyway, best wishes to you!
Thanks… goinhg home soon!!
So great to hear you’re doing so well after this surgery! I hope that bodes well for quicker healing & you getting back on your feet!
I agree w/ Jules. The time between the CT scan & surgery could account for the extra length. I think once those styloids start elongating, they’ll just keep on a growin’ till they’re taken out.