I’m sorry @rachels , I did delete them to protect your privacy as your full name was on the scan images…
If you can remember the order you posted them in, the last image which was a front on x-ray by the looks of it did have 2 lines inside of the mandible which could possibly have been styloids, but I agree with @Isaiah_40_31 that it was hard to see in other images whether there was any elongation or not. The image she’s posted would be from a CT .
With some members’ scans the imaging is done so that the mandible (jaw bone) is removed from the image so the styloids can be seen better behind it, but I’m not sure if members have done that tinkering about with one of the programs or if the radiology dept did it- I am rubbish with technology so can’t help with that…there are some links to software programs members have used:
RadiANT DICOM Viewer tutorial - General - Living with Eagle
Making Your Own 3D Images from CT Scan- 3D Slicer Tutorial - Living with Eagle
If you’re able to remove your name from the images you posted, feel free to re-post them so others can have a look, sorry for all the hassle!
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