I had my right side ES surgery one month ago with Dr Samji. I have to say I was either terribly lucky or he was just super good as I had none of the post op issues that many people have ie: face droop, swallowing, numbness, tongue thrust. I was able to eat normally right after surgery and after leaving hospital took only tylenol.
I have to say the name of the surgery threw me for a loop - Right posterior and sub occipital mini craniotomy of the styloid bone and decompression of the glossopharyngeal nerves. WOW that’s a handful. Hopefully with the nerve decompression and the carotid artery decompression I will lose some of the pain in the back of my head. It’s a toss up if it’s from ES or my auto fused cervical spine.
My incision seems to be higher up on the neck than several others have posted. My concern is, here it is 1 month after and the first layer of steri-strips has not come off. I contacted his office and he said leave them alone. I also went to my PC who said let them come off when they are ready. So still going around with my incision covered and have never been able to see it. If any others have had this experience, I’d be happy to hear how long this might be before the darn things come off completely. I’m a slow healer and can still feel some pain in that area, so guess I just have to have PATIENCE. HA HA!
All in all the surgery was a huge success and I will not drag my feet having the left side done when the time comes. I can’t say enough about Dr Samji…he was fantastic. My PC was totally impressed when he read the official surgery report and said “this guy is good as this is such delicate surgery”. So I definitely made the right choice if this helps any others out there contemplating a surgeon or surgery.
Thanks to everyone for their support and making this site available.