Dear LivingWithEagle member
A few weeks ago, we made a change to this community site. We explained what was going to happen, why we were making the change and how it would work in this post. (Click on that if you don’t remember seeing it.)
The landing page is now in place. Visitors and prospective members arrive here rather than on this page. We think the new page gives a better first impression, and does a better job of explaining our community than the discussion page did. But the opinion that really matters is yours.
We’d like to get your thoughts on this change:
- Do you feel the new landing page might be helpful to a prospective member, or a visitor?
- When we put the page in place, did it seriously disrupt your visit to the community?
- Do you have any comments or suggestions about this change?
Simply reply on this thread, or send an email to . We’re always happy to hear from members, on this topic or anything else that is on your mind!
Many thanks, and all the best to you.
Seenie, TJ, Rose and Ben of the Ben’s Friends Admin Team.
I think the new page will be extremely helpful to prospective members and newly diagnosed patients. One of the things I struggled with initially was the lack of information. This site was a godsend, and having the information plain on the front page would have been helpful.
I did not experience any significant interruption, though I ddi have to login again and change the home screen bookmark on my phone.
I love the new landing page! The information is good, & we’ve had several new members join since it was put in place. I think having the extra ES information is an enticement to join for those “lookers/lurkers” who may want more information via a personal conversation & not just what they gain from reading the forum posts. There is something to be said for being heard when you’re struggling w/ a rare health issue & knowing those who are hearing you, have or had, similar struggles to your own.
Thank you for re-inventing our forum landing page. 
I have not noticed any disruption and the new page / landing spot seems to be working well. Thanks!!
I admit I was a bit confused and not sure what I stumbled upon when I found this site a few weeks ago. I like the change. Sensical and welcoming. Well done.
- Do you feel the new landing page might be helpful to a prospective member, or a visitor?
Yes, it’s more clear and very well organized
- When we put the page in place, did it seriously disrupt your visit to the community?
Not at all
- Do you have any comments or suggestions about this change?
Keep up the amazing work you do. We need you!! And thank you!
We love what we do, and we’re glad you think it’s helpful. Thank YOU!
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