Random post surgery question

it did help me.

I had a car accident that the Dr believes shifted it and that lead to me figuring out what was wrong. Prior to the car accident, I had years of undiagnosed shoulder and ear pain that drs couldn’t explain. I lost a substantial amount of my hearing in the affected side when all of that started. they told me an untreated ear infection probably took my hearing, but the Drs would tell me I didn’t have an ear infection when I went for ear pain. :woman_shrugging:t2:
After the accident I started having occipital neuralgia feelings, just extreme pain and pressure in the back of my head that made it hard to function at all, my teeth and jaw chattered 24 hours per day with no ability to stop them for months on end and my pulse and blood pressure went up roughly 10 points on both.

post surgery all of that is gone.
i have comments on a thread out there that are detailing my generalized healing because I did have facial paralysis following the surgery and couldn’t find enough comforting convos on here about that. so I wanted to make sure other folks could find my experience. it took about three full months to have everything fully functioning on my face, but I lost muscle definition in my face during the time. The muscles in my face are still a little different and one of my eye brows is way higher than the other one post surgery. Certain facial movements will bring it back down to where it was before, so I’m hoping over time that will work itself out. I’m certain no one other than me really notices it though.

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