First.....I am tired! Got up at 2:45 a.m. to catch my flight to San Jose to visit Dr. Samji this morning...ugh.
I brought an "extra" burned CD with me and I am glad I did. Apparently, the one that I had sent him did not have all of the 3D scans and did not show the clarity compared to the one that I brought for him. He spent well over an hour with me......far belong the "norm" for a clinic visit :o)
Here is the skinny:
Styloids ultimately measured 50 mm, with my left one a little longer.
While he was impressed and said these were ridiculously long............we spent the bulk of the time talking about the width and curvature of these things. He said he has never (and he repeated "NEVER") seen Styloids as wide as this and curved as "strange" as these were!!!
He said if I complained of pain, I would be as "classic as an Eagle Patient would present".
However, because of the lack of pain, he was a bit stymied. Ultimately though, Dr. Samji said that these things could very, very, very possibly be causing the nerve irritation that I mention, that ultimately leads to all of my Neuro symptoms. (He did feel both of these as he reached in my throat.....where no other doctor could even feel them......ugh)
We both agreed that the risk of surgery was far less than the potential upside of removing the Styloids.
Thus, I will be scheduling to have this done in about 5 weeks or so........once I tie up some loose ends and get prepped for this.
So.......there you have it. No certain , positive way of telling if this is the root cause of my ailments, but I am going to put it in his hands and see what happens.
I will have a nice scar to show off and , hopefully, give me that "edgy" look :o)
Peace out,