Styloid Ligament and Process the same? Im confused

So nothing is mentioned in my CT scan about the process...Just the ligaments being 4.1cm on left and 3.5 on right......Are they the same thing or was that just a typo mistake...Im confused as I thought the process was the long bone thing and ligaments were like tendons... Not a good day again so much pain!!! The side of my neck under my chin feels like its gonna explode...

Hi, Kelx. From what I understand the styloid process is the bone, which can be elongated and the stylohyoid is the ligament and that can become calcified. Not sure why they CT scan says the ligaments as my thinking is the same as yours. I'm still waiting for the results of my scans, but when I get them (should be any day), I'll see how the describe it (ligament vs process) and let you know. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

Ya they just talked about the ligaments and them being completely ossified. I dunno so confusing lol. So if it’s the ligaments that’s bothering me and not the process shouldn’t that be easier to remove? I dunno I think they got there wording wrong cause I can feel a bone that hurts not any ligaments lol

Yeah, perhaps they did get it wrong. Did a doctor go over it with you and did they say what they want to do next? Are you able to contact the radiologist that read the scans?

No the doctors here are completely oblivious too what is going on. I don’t even think they have a clue how too read them as I had too tell them about the scan. No one ever mentioned it too me I had eagles. I had to show them on the scan that the radiologist suspected it. Maybe I should contact the radiologist somehow… Or just wait till I see a specialist

Are you on a waiting list to see one? I never went to the doctor when I lived in Canada, so I don't know how it works over there. The doctors I've seen are oblivious too. I happened to find a dentist who specializes in TMJ and these type of symptoms that is ordering these scans and tests. Kind of crazy that doctors can't figure anything out

Heya Kelx. I just put up some photos of my ossified ligaments. It's got a good comparison of what is a Process and what is Calcification if you're interested.

Matt's right, 'The Styloid Process is a slender, pointed protrusion of the temporal bone, and serves as an anchor point for three muscles (stylopharyngeus, stylohyoid and stylomandibular), plus 2 ligaments (stylohyoid and stylomandibular), with the stylohyoid muscle and ligament inserting on the lesser cornu of the hyoid bone'. The stylohyoid ligament is the one which tends to get calcified.

Normally on CT's etc. if they measure anything it's the styloid process, but maybe they've worked out your ligaments length too, if they're quite calcified, or maybe, like you said, they don't know what they're looking at!!

I’m not on any waiting list yet. Still waiting too see if a doctor in Toronto will accept me as a patient too see me and hopefully he will perform surgury. Ya I think she met Styloid process because I can literally feel a small boney protrusion under my chin by my throat that is killing me and everything around it. Because the CT scan states my ligaments are greater than the normal 2.5-3 cm normal ratio. So that would be the process they are talking about not the darn ligents they state

Yes, 2.5-3cm is the 'average' most docs use as a comparison.

If your ligaments are calcfied, they will feel like hard like a bone.

Kelx said:

Ya they just talked about the ligaments and them being completely ossified. I dunno so confusing lol. So if it's the ligaments that's bothering me and not the process shouldn't that be easier to remove? I dunno I think they got there wording wrong cause I can feel a bone that hurts not any ligaments lol