I’ve become very familiar with Eagle’s syndrome after trying to resolve some structural issues/pain/all the things I had been facing causing injury during activities and nervous disregulation despite doing everythingggggg else to attempt to address things.
I’ve since come to find that I likely have either a) a very misaligned bite/fascia/skeletal system etc etc, likely from just mouth breathing as a child and having underdeveloped nasal passages, hyperextending as a compensation and favouring one side… or b) that PLUS traumatic eagle’s syndrome via wisdom tooth extraction 15 years ago. The fractures look so blatantly obvious to me but because there’s not blood around anymore the radiologists here say it’s common but not an ‘acute’ (recent) fx, plus no ENT’s fix it or are seemingly even aware of styloid processes around here so that just is what it is. They only care once all this inflammation becomes cancer and they have to cut it out - not judging them it just is what it is and not how they’ve been trained to treat patients, I understand.
I also have what appears to be minor (and imaged like a month+ after, which significantly effects imaging) mild carotid dissection on my more symptomatic side but again, MRI rads just notice it and say ‘probably genetic’ which is very unlikely seeing my veins are of normal size, and my diet is low fat (my cholesterol is better than most newborns) so the dissection ‘patch plaque’ if you will wouldn’t be as severe as they’re used to. Also don’t drink/smoke/young, perfect (not just normal: optimal BP) so like very, very healthy otherwise. Not an anxious person or have any reason to be feeling like this in the head.
ANYways all suffice to say all the ENTs say my styloids are what they see ‘all the time’ which to me just (possibly) demonstrates how many people have fractured styloids here in Canada that’s being ignored and instead treated with pain meds etc. I just want to reiterate I’m not set on this self-diagnosis, just going with what I’ve observed and meticulously looked at and analyzed in the literature (comparing naturally segmented, if they can somehow expand in adulthood, etc). Id rather get to the root of things (and even choose to ignore it) than throw $ on disjointed opinions from experts lacking the critical thinking to understand this. Pain meds, Orthodontics, jaw surgery, etc. all offered but I’m not interested at this point if fx styloids are going to be behind things.
I noticed the ‘break’ in my styloids when looking at two 3d facial bone imaging (confirming on the other, non-3d views) I had, and then comparing further with childhood dental panoramic X-rays I obtained that, to me, show a clear before and after in the styloid processes, and further that my bite moved up (decreasing stability) to accommodate the fracture site. I woke up during my wisdom teeth removal surgery WHILE THEY WERE PREPPING after I had already been put to sleep, to a shocked look on the nurses faces - I suspect this was when the styloids were fractured and since then I had just been accommodating around it. Myriad injuries, TMJ, neurological issues, insomnia, cognitive decline began after that point.
For now, since I cant do much about it either way, I’ve been just pretending all is well, but I figured hey if I post here something helpful may come of it or it could help someone else. I dont really know right now.
I have a whole folder and whatnot on articles, my own images, symptoms etc but will keep it more succinct here.
Also, I had a virtual meeting with Dr. Osbourne about it, going through my cts and dental panos and whatnot, and he said If I wanted the surgery he would do it (for 100k Canadian) but also we discussed shooting a YouTube video on it - which made me feel a little less like it was a complete trial/placebo surgery offer and perhaps he’s picking up what I’m putting down. I had had several stroke-like episodes earlier in the year which were very unpleasant and all three were denied at emerg, each time saying “well you look great!” and “we’ve already done a CT on you we would have seen something like that” [it was a facial bone CT I had -not a regular ct and they later in their notes noted this whoopsie] and confidently “that cant cause a stroke” etc. Fun times.
I’m pretty sure my GP thinks I’m crazy, but it’s whatever. She has sent referrals to Dr. Dan Mcconnell in Edmonton (denied cause OOP), Dr. Ian Whitterik in Toronto and Dr. Michael Gupta in Hamilton and Dr. Boyd Lee in Newfoundland. No word on follow up on any of those. This was months+ ago.
So yea not wanting to associate with it all I’m kind of removed from it but not anxious, never have been… just eh feeling it.
when I exercise or occlude, immense inflammation and redness occurs. Hard to breathe. Acne and redness only around the styloids immediately. It always feels sooo hot and inflamed, and I wouldn’t be wrong to believe this is the start of much neurodegenerative diseases and ent-area cancer. But that’s not my concern right now so not thinking about it. Oh I’ve also been unknowingly eating a soft-foods diet for like 15 years lol. I’ve gotten to learn lots MORE about the healthcare system here in Canada, which has been a ride.
Locally, I’ve seen (and paid soo much money for omg…) and they’ve all viewed my CT’s and heard my concerns re: possible fx:
Dr. Reichman - Oral Surgeon
Dr. Samson Ng - TMJ-specialist dentist
Dr. Dr. Arman Abdalkhani (Vancity ENT) - ENT
Dr. Oleksandr Butskiy - ENT (referred from emergency)
so which they’re all like "coz can’t help ya, and idk anyone who treats eagles/does surgery/ anything like that’ neither confirming nor denying what is presented - everyone just says ayy whatever radiology says, eyes and ears closed essentially.
radiology second opinion, specifically inquiring about the styloid FX said "cant confirm nor deny… and that ’ yes we also looked at the childhood dental panos with them in tact and again we cant confirm nor deny if they were in tact or are fractured’ which is… golden. A+ canada radiologists. Great work!
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! Chronically misdiagnosed Eagle’s syndrome, treated through transoral styloidectomy: a rare case report - PMC.pdf (1.2 MB)
! Experience with transoral styloidectomy for Eagle Syndrome in Canada: A Case Series.pdf (735.4 KB)
! Fracture of the styloid process associated with the mandible… : Contemporary Clinical Dentistry.pdf (462.7 KB)
! Fracture of the Styloid Process in an Elderly Patient Caused by Rolling Over During Sleep: A Case Report | Namiki | Journal of Medical Cases.pdf (2.5 MB)
! Nonsyndromic Isolated Temporal Bone Styloid Process Fracture - PMC.pdf (1.8 MB)