Surgery Date Changed

I got a call from my surgeons office today, my surgery was originally booked for Nov 6, they now have me in a week sooner on Oct 30.
I am having both sides done intraorally. Nervous but glad to get it over with … Will post updates on this post :slight_smile:


FANTASTIC NEWS! So glad you’ve been rescheduled sooner rather than being pushed back farther. We will look forward to hearing how everything goes for you.

I’m changing the date on my calendar so I can pray for you particularly on that day.



Less time to worry! Hope that all goes well of course, lots of info on what to expect on here, although not so many people have had bilateral surgery. Ilovemaui had both done, not sure if that was external or not, you could pm to see how the recovery was? Best wishes, will be praying for you!

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All the best to you Dee1976 for a successful and speedy recovery.

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Ty everybody :hugs:

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Hi Dee 1976

I had both of mine done at the same time intraorally last December. Wouldn’t have changed a thing. Great to get it all over at one time. Both of mine were calcified. He was able to remove both back to the original ligament. No regrowth to date. Prayers for a speedy recovery for you.


That’s excellent to hear. How did recovery go along? I’m so nervous, I’m having both done the same time intraorally as well :slight_smile:


I was a nervous wreck also. The unknown will make you that way. Most of my symptoms were gone as soon as I woke up from surgery. It’s taken all this year for some of them to completely go away. What I am left with as of today is occasional pain under the hyoid bone where my head joins my neck in the front. My styloid ligaments were extremely long, one pushing on my carotid artery. I had vascular issues. So overall a successful surgery no doubt.



As for the recovery itself I felt pretty good almost immediately. After a couple of weeks the true pain set in, had a few hard weeks. I found that icepacks helped more than anything. I took extra strength arthritis Tylenol and of course only ate soft food. Chewing was the most painful. They gave me antibiotics and a liquid steroid, which you will need when your throat feels like it is closing up. The steroid works very quickly no worry’s. Expect a sore throat, but nothing that isn’t manageable. I had hoarseness for months afterward if I talked for any length of time. Rest whenever you get the chance, seems that is the best medicine. They did prescribe me pain meds but I didn’t take them other than when I was in the hospital. My surgery was at 9am in Charleston, SC, I was home by midnight in Florida where I live. You will not regret the surgery. Quality of life will return. Hope all of this helps.

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All the best for your surgery, keep us posted re recovery etc. Will be thinking of you. X


The OR called me last night 10:30 pm,. They had to cancel all surgeries, there has been water damage, we all will be rescheduled.

Oh no! That is so hard!!! I feel you pain - my surgery was cancelled 10 minutes before start time due to equipment issues - gut punch for sure. BUT I had to believe it was for the greater good…somehow. It is amazing it doesn’t happen more often if you think about it, so many pieces have to fall into place perfectly. Hang in there while you wait :purple_heart:


Sorry to hear that, let’s hope you get rescheduled quickly. I spoke to theatre admissions today, I was down for Nov 28th but bed shortage as I need to stay overnight I most probably now be Dec sometime.
Hope you get a new date quickly.

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That’s rotten, I had one of mine cancelled the day before…can’t be helped, these things happen. Hugs to you & hope you don’t have to wait too long!

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Disappointing indeed, Dee1976, but I agree, these things often happen for a reason. I too, hope your new surgery date is ASAP!!

Suskinsmudge - Also sorry to hear your surgery has been put off. Hopefully it, too, will be rescheduled very soon.

Got the call, surgery is this Wednesday :slight_smile:

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That’s great, not too long to wait!

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HOORAAAYY!! So glad you weren’t put off for long. :clap: :clap:

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