How can i tell if i have eagle syndrome of a tmj disorder? Are there any obvious differences?
Hi - I would suggest getting a panoramic xray from your dentist to see if you have the calcification or elongation. If you do…I would check out the list of symptoms provided in the newbies section and see if your symptoms fit. My understanding is that in order to have Eagle Syndrome you have to have calcification or elongation of the bone AND related symptoms. Most people don’t have any symptoms. In my case, I am not sure that my TMJ disorder/bad bite etc didn’t contribute to the Eagle syndrome or vice versa. I think you can certainly have both and if you wanted to address the TMJ dysfunction before the surgery to rule that out, you could consider that? In my case, my symptoms suggest carotid artery involvement so I think I don’t want to risk any more tia events etc. Good luck to you!
Sounds like good advice, seiders! Alot of people seem to have both, & have perhaps tried bite splints etc first. Pain swallowing / lump in the throat symptoms I would guess are isolated symptoms of ES?
So i definitely have elongation and calcification of the ligament shown on a ct scan.