Unexpected twist of Fate

An unexpected twist of fate (2 actually) has just got me a referral to an ENT with Eagle's experience. I'm still somewhat amazed at how easy it was, especially after repeated requests to the same ENT's office for a simple confirmation that, he does in fact treat Eagle Syndrome, remain unanswered.

The twists of fate? Here is my story:

I have been living with an inguinal hernia for the last 3 months and probably have another 4-6 months wait before getting the surgery. Canada may have Universal (depends on your definition) Health Care, but you usually have to wait several months for surgery unless it is critical. Anyway, I have been calling the surgeon's office to try and find out a tentative month, let alone date. Turns out that the surgery may be delayed because of my known cervical spine issues (osteo-arthritis and Kimmerly Anomaly). Apparently the hospitals prefer to use general anesthesia, which requires the head and neck to be tilted to one side. I have to attend a Pre-Surgery clinic to help them come up with a plan.

This seemed like an opportune time to remind them of my recent discovery of the 4.5 cm styloids, which none of my current doctors seemed to find very important. I asked for a referral to one of 2 doctors here in BC that are known to treat Eagle Syndrome. I was told that they couldn't request the referral and my GP had to do it. Fat chance, he has had my results for 4 weeks and didn't feel the need to call me in to discuss it, even after I printed out all kinds of ES related material and left it for him to look over. But I had no choice, so I resolved to go see him (the GP).

Before hanging up with the hernia surgeon's office, I happened to mention that I was going to try and see an ENT in Victoria, an 90 minute ferry ride plus a 20 minute bus ride away, because the ENT in Surrey, about 45 minutes by transit, wasn't getting back to me.

Twist # 1: She then says, "Who's the ENT in Surrey?" I say "Dr. Sanjay Morzaria". She says, "We know him well, Dr. Wiseman (an endochrinologist who also does hernias) refers patients to him all the time" BINGO!!, (I think to myself), which becomes Bango, Bongo after she informs me that I still need a GP to request the referral. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!

Twist # 2: I call the GP's office (co-attached to a walk-in clinic that shares his files) and am informed that he is fully booked until next Monday (today being Wednesday). Bad luck, as it is almost as long to get an appointment with a specialist as it is to get a surgery date. Every day counts. I then inquire about the walk-in side and specifically ask for one of the doctors who also happens to be a surgeon (practiced in the UK.) He saw me about the hernia and has one himself. I get his first appointment of the day at 3 pm. I remember to bring all the Eagles info and a copy of the CT scan report. He reads the info, I explain what Eagle Syndrome is and, Bob's Your Uncle, he writes the referral request (all this in 5 minutes from him entering the room). He then proceeds to tell me that he has neck issues as well and has been holding off of surgery because of the general anesthesia issue.

I guess I won't complain so much about the hernia anymore. Now comes the wait for the appointment, but at least I'm on the list!

Red Pill

That is good news. It is funny how things workout. I hope your wait is not to long. With ES pain Every minute can seem so long. Hang in there and keep pushing forward.

Thanks BigsBug,

So far I don't have any classic pain, well jaw or facial anyway, but the sporadic fatigue, nausea, headaches and Tachycardia are affecting my work life, so I would like to get ahead of this before it gets to that point.

Sorry to hear about your hernia, but in this case it worked out well. Best of luck with getting a surgery date and with the ES ENT.


I hope eveything goes well with the appointment. Mention that you got his name from Me (RB) off the forum. I told him that I would be passing his information along to others having difficulty getting ES help.