Update about Surgery 10 days post op

Well, I have had one side removed. I had talked about Norton Hospital practicing Enhanced Recovery After Surgery … I believe being hydrated and having had a little caffeine that morning helped to not get horrendous headache. However, I had a pretty bad experience … I was supposed to have gotten a patch with anti-nausea medicine, I didn’t know about it until the next morning. About 3:30 in the morning following surgery, I started vomiting - vomited 4 times until I finally got that patch at 10 am.

When I had seen Dr. Tennant - we had discussed the right styloid being removed through external extraction, and right was bigger offender. At the hospital the morning of, one of his practioners said he would like to go ahead and get both orally. My husband and I agreed, so that I wouldn’t have to go through another surgery.

What actually happened was he extracted the left side orally and the right side will have to be done in the future externally because of it angling. His notes indicate that he went to the skull base and got the whole thing - he showed me a picture and it was only 2 cm - I asked him where the other 2 cm was and he said that it was fragments that he took out. He said he decided not to do right side at this time because having the oral and external wounds at same time would be just about too much pain to bare. Thank you Doc for that!

I came back to work at a week, but, have not gotten through a full day. I will today.

I had had my tonsils out at 4 years old so, I can’t remember the pain. Swallowing hurts, sneezing, coughing and burping hurt … the worst is yawning!

I am allergic to steroids so had a good amount of fear of the swelling … it is minimal at this point and really never got horrible. I think the tinnitus may be worse, but, the neck pain I had on left side seems to be gone. I see him again on August 9, and will discuss removing the right, which I think has been the bigger culprit on symptoms.


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Oh no, that sounds so unlucky, getting the less-bad side out, & now having to get another surgery…not good about the nausea too! But good that the swelling hasn’t been too bad though & that you’ve seen some improvements in pain already!
Sending you a hug, & hope that your first full day back to work is not too grim…let us know when you get a date for your second surgery :hugs:

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@GiGi1965 -

First off, thank you for sharing your surgical experience. I’ve added Dr. Tennant to our Doctors List. I’m sorry for the disappointment of waking up after surgery to find the job was only half done, but at least Dr. Tennant made a wise decision about the right styloid & didn’t attempt a surgery that could have left you in worse condition. It’s good news that he took the styloid out close to the skull base at that should really help reduce the symptoms that left styloid was causing.

The fact you were able to even consider going back to work a week after your surgery says that Dr. T did a good job as a number of our members have needed a couple weeks at least before starting back. As you experienced, starting back part time is a good idea since fatigue & pain don’t allow for a very productive work day.

Your throat will possibly be sore for 3-4 weeks, at least that’s what’s been reported by other members who’ve had intraoral styloidectomies. Re: yawning, try putting the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth & keep it there when you start to yawn. That helps to keep you from opening your jaw as wide which may help reduce throat pain, but perhaps using your tongue like that won’t be comfy either. It’s worth a try though.

What good news that your swelling never got very bad & your neck pain is gone! Worse tinnitus is not uncommon after surgery due to the swelling in your neck area. It should quiet down or go away over time as the swelling goes down & nerves heal.

The styloid causing my worst symptoms was the left but my surgeon insisted on removing the right first because it was thicker & was growing nearly straight down. After my first styloid was removed, I couldn’t wait for the second one to go. I sympathize with you there. :wink:

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Thank you for your input @Jules and @Isaiah_40_31 - and yes … want to get the right styloidectomy done as soon as possible!