Waiting not so patiently

Turns out someone has the July slot for surgery so mine will be in August or September, I’ve been of my feet since October last year, I have things somewhat under control, I’m at least able to function now, but August seems so far away, any words of encouragement, that will only be my first side, then I’ll have to have the second side done and who knows what my TOS specialist is gonna wanna do …… feeling a little down today, have organized a three night stay in a cabin on the lake end of next month, figured I can sit there just as well as here and at least it’s a change of scenery, my best friend is taking me, she’s a nurse, and she will take the kids out each day, leaving me to relax, might be more than I can handle but I’m hoping it will be fun not torture??? Lol

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So sorry that your surgery has been delayed, that’s frustrating…it must seem a very long wait right now when you’re feeling rough, but in the scheme of things it’s not so long, once surgery is done I’m sure you’ll soon forget the waiting…( I’m UK & a 6 month wait was the minimum when I had my surgeries, now it’s a year, so I understand, mine is all a distant memory, took over 18 months altogether once I was referred to a specialist)
The trip to the cabin sounds great, & your friend sounds a star helping with the kids, a change of scenery I’m sure will be good!
Thinking of you & sending you a hug :hugs:


Very disappointing about the date change. Have you asked to be put on a cancellation list? Doing so has helped some of our members get their surgeries scooted up to considerably earlier dates.

The cabin sounds amazing! I want to come, too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I think the change of scenery will do you a world of good! So glad your wonderful friend is able to come with you & help run interference w/ the kids. What a godsend she is!! :gift_heart:

They only do one of these types of surgeries a month so a cancellation probably is not going to happen, but Thankyou for the kind words, my friend is coming from England and it will be bitter sweet, she lost her husband to covid last year and this will be her first vacation here without him

Hopefully you can support each other then :hugs:

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So sad for your friend (& you!). I’m sorry for her situation as well as yours. Very tough!

As Jules said, you’ll be able to support each other. Even if she’s more of a physical support for you, you’ll be able to be an emotional support for her. It’s a win-win. :hugs: :gift_heart:

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