What to expect after surgery?

I have facial nerve pain and head pressure as primary symptoms. After styloidectomy, what are realistic expectations for recovery… especially for nerve pain (in terms of day, weeks, months).

It can certainly take months for nerve pain to ease- we have had members who’ve found that they’ve seen improvements up to a year after surgery! So unfortunately patience is definitely needed…
With vascular symptoms like head pressure it does seem to vary quite a bit- it could be a couple of months before swelling goes and then the blood vessels and the brain I think can adjust to the change in flow. If both sides of the IJVs are compressed it may not improve significantly until the second side is dealt with, especially if you have one more dominant IJV & if that’s still compressed. There can also sometimes still be some compression from the C1 process or muscles which can limit how much improvement there’ll be.
I hope that things do improve soon for you :hugs:

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