48 hr countdown

I had internal, dissolving sutures w/ glue on the surface to hold it together better.

Thank you so much for this you made my day with your response! :smiley: I had a rough couple of days so I am sorry that it took me a bit to respond.
However, I wanted to check in on you and see how you are doing!? I hope that your pain is continuing to lessen every day!!
Gentle hugs!

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@Tjmhawk01 - Glad to hear that your healing is progressing. Hopefully your other symptoms are getting better and you figure out the tongue burning. That sounds painful!

It is helpful to do a little massage on the area when you can to get the nerves moving & so that scar tissue is less likely to develop. Also, when your incision heals, you can use a scar- reducing medicine. Dr. Omlie recommended the silicone kind. All of this will help the area heal better. I ended up having some internal scar tissue on my surgery areas. That caused some minor Thoracic Outlet Syndrome issues - like my hands turning numb and tingling. So I had to have physical therapy a couple months ago. They had to loosen up the areas on both sides.


Thank you, Dina. Folks aren’t kidding when they say it’s a sloooooow heal.
I’m 8 days post-op today.
-face numbness is starting to thaw out but my ear is still wickedly numb
-I don’t know a lot about mechanics of inflammation but I’d have to assume that it occurs visibly on the outside but also unseen under the skin which is really where I feel it. That feeling continues to SLOWLY go down
-I iced non-stop the first 5-6 days. I’m gradually doing it less/as needed. Maybe 3-4x a day
-jaw is still a bit uncomfortable but improving and doesn’t hinder eating
-ear is till feeling full but improving
-burning throat/tongue is less intense than pre-op and I’d give anything to see more improvement but it’s better than it’s previously been so I’ll do my best to be patient
-first bite is not so great but I power through it. Seems to get worse as the day goes on.
-eating mostly normal but still find myself being cautious
-drove for the first time since surgery yesterday. Funny how we just know our limits thus waiting this long. But my short trip to the grocery store really zapped my energy.
-keep sliding off my wedge pillow…which is now just in my way. Slept pretty much without it last night and slept soooo much better! Going to ditch it tonight and just stack a couple pillows.
-still taking the 600mg Ibu and rotating Tylenol. Probably could ditch the Ibu but knowing it also helps with inflammation, I’ve stayed on it.

I’ll try to update again maybe at the end of week two but admittedly, when folks check in and ask it’s a good reminder for me to update.

I’ve been trying to stay active here…I desperately want to pay it forward and help others as much as others have helped me. I still sometimes get a little misty-eyed over the kindness of all these “strangers” who’ve come to mean so much in such a short time. :purple_heart:

Thank you for checking in :blush:


Glad that you’re doing a few things & seeing some slow improvements…you have been really supportive of others here so are definitely doing your bit :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hooray for healing progress!! It will take time for your energy to come back (1-2 mos) & probably longer for you to get the full benefit of the surgery, but you’re on your way, Tjmhawk! So happy for you!! Don’t worry about sharing when you do have a harder few days. We’re here for support even then. You will find that recovery can feel like an uphill climb at times as symptoms may return here & there, but they should continue to decrease as the months pass. Remember, you just had a major surgery. The inflammation your body has created, especially internally, is like a protective cushion around the injured area (unfortunately, that cushion puts some pressure on already irritated nerves). As that heals, the inflammation will go away, too. :blush:


I also have
Burning-xtra,xtra,xtra large, dry tongue that is totally raw on both sides from me biting it all day. I just know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when I wake up from surgery I will never ever have dry mouth again. Amen. It will be gone after surgery. I’m so sorry you are experiencing this also. It is hard to pretend that it’s not a huge issue.


Thank you, Isaiah- these reminders are so important to me! Yesterday was an amazing day…slept great, great energy, low pain, burning nearly non- existent! I did a few projects but mostly lounged in the sun.

Today, not so much. But as you’ve said, two steps fwd/one step back. :blush:

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When is your surgery scheduled? I’ll certainly have you in my prayers for a perfect, uneventful surgery and easy recovery!

I can say that the tongue burning is far less so that indicates to me that this was all related. It’s not gone…but less. I believe you’ll experience the same!

My very best to you!


Hi! I’m so glad to hear/read your message from the other day that things are progressing in an upward passion! Slow and steady wins the race!!! :grin:

Glad your throat burning is better. Mine had immediate improvement but after a few months stayed almost normal. As each month passes I have less and less episodes of burning throat. I’d say about 95% gone now. Sensation of something caught in my throat is completely gone as well as sharp shooting pains up to the ear. July 20 will be a year since surgery. I bought a Tempurpedic bed and sleep on a slight incline still. I love the bed!! Keep up the good work healing!


This is SO encouraging. It’s the most painful symptom and it sure gets me down because it’s so relentless. You can bet I’ll refer back on these very words often as a reminder to be patient and that good things will come in time. :purple_heart:. Thank you!


Hi all you kind folks! I wanted to give a little update since having my post op visit with Dr. Omlie today.

As if posted earlier, 8 days post op I felt SO good! As expected, the following days I tanked a bit and the discouragement came right along with that. I spent the weekend moping on the couch in my little pity party.

Monday 12 days post op I went back to constant icing and doing my best to push through my sons big 15th bday (which included a trip to DMV for his learners permit, so you can imagine that it was important for me to be functional). By evening, I began to feel that heavy/full feeling in my ear lessen. This was a great and much needed milestone for me! To feel SOME improvement in any of the symptoms was what I needed.

Since Monday, the burning has been much less and I feel really good! @beachlady posted a reply about her recovery from the burning throat/tongue and it was SO encouraging that given time, this should fade. I feel like I’m on that path. I hadn’t gone to my sons sporting clays events in two years because of feeling so awful come evening…last night I went! It was so good for the soul to get out and to watch him shoot!

The First Bite is there of course, but I find clenching down for a few seconds until it passes works. The scar is looking really well and feels like it may be flattening. I do have a little thread from the sutures that should wiggle it’s way out in the next several weeks.

My call with Dr. Omlie was short and sweet. I had to thank him and let him know what a wonderful presence he has on this forum. He did oddly ask about my right nostril…typically, they will intubate nasally due to the oral surgeon needing to sublux the jaw for added space. They weren’t able to do that with me (little nasal passages I guess!) so they intubated as normal- the things you learn post op!
I’ll follow up with him in a couple mos again just to check in. For the record, my experience with Dr. Omlie has been really great! He understands this issue and has a desire to help. As others have said, he has great bedside manners and is just personable.

Overall, I’m grateful and the Lord has heard me thank him over and over. I know it’s still the beginning and things can change like the wind changes directions, but there’s much to look forward to!

My sincerest appreciation and love to all for being that guiding light here!


What an overall great report! I’m so happy that you are able to start enjoying life again!! It’s a true blessing for sure! I continue to keep you in my prayers for this continued upwards healing process!!! Your incision looks amazing!!! So happy for you and thank you for keeping us in the loop with your journey! It’s greatly appreciated!


So pleased for you that you’re seeing improvements & could go & watch your son, that’s brilliant! Hopefully you’ll be able to massage the scar soon which will help with flattening it. Keep healing well, God Bless :hugs: :pray:


I got smoothies from Smoothie King and split them into three or four servings and stored them in the freezer. I ate a few bites three or four times a day. This helped my throat a lot! Also, during healing, I always woke up without throat pain but by three or four pm had some throat pain return some days. But it was never as severe as before my surgery.


Your incision looks like mine did at abt the same stage of healing (I joked it looked like a caterpillar on my neck :crazy_face:). In another month it will look much flatter & better & after that it will start disappearing. Looks really good already though!

I’m so thrilled to hear abt the significant improvement you already have from surgery!!


It looks great. So glad you have seen improvement. I hope my surgery also goes well.


Cody, with the size you’re dealing with, I’d feel confident you will! I’ll be anxiously awaiting your post-op update. Just keep reminding yourself going into it that it is indeed a slow process but you’ll get there!


22 days post op. Its been a struggle and I continue scouring here in hopes of finding all the encouraging experiences I can that are similar to mine in order to ease my mind. The ear fullness/lateral neck discomfort has improved quite a bit. I still feel like there’s something going on there but it’s probably all related to the incision area. The burning is still pretty relentless. It’s constant and frankly, I just dont know that the Gabapentin is helping at all. Im struggling to feel if it truly has improved, albeit even a little since surgery, or if I’ve convinced myself so much that I believe it’s better when it’s not.

I know at 3 weeks I’m early in the healing stage. I also feel like at this point I should be seeing something more concrete, at least a day here or a day there where things are better telling me that this was the culprit all along and surgery was the right decision. Nerves take a long time to heal…I’m doing what I can to remind myself of this. It’s also a challenge when I feel my face numbness improving but still am having issues with the oral burning. I haven’t had a really good day as far as the burning goes since week 1 so…I’ve been a bit down.

I hate like mad to wish away time, but I also look forward to going to bed each night with hopes the next day will be better.