What are your thoughts??? Maybe if they tested these levels on us they could figure something out?
What are your thoughts??? Maybe if they tested these levels on us they could figure something out?
Interesting read, ang, thanks for posting. I don't know if this might point the way to the development of a diagnostic test for Eagle or not... but any study that illuminates the mechanisms involved in Eagle is a step in the right direction.
Hi ang,
I have been on board with this for awhile now, as my previous posts and comments can attest to. Finding out what causes the ossification and calcification is the key to not only preventing it from re-occurring, but preventing it from happening in the first place.
I have some more information in the documents and links section of my profile page, under "Calcification". The article on Osteopontin is especially interesting. There is even a website ( and I am awaiting a response from them to find out if this therapy is available yet.
Red Pill
Hello, Thank you for this, I will take a look.