Anyone heard of Dr. Miranda Celestre New Orleans cancer center

I kept digging and I believe I have found a Dr. that does External in New Orleans . I have an appointment w Dr. Miranda Celestre June 16 . Does anyone have any information on this Doctor ? I believe I’m going to keep my appointment With Dr. Stephen Hernandez June 22 and hear them both out !

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“Shopping & comparing” is VERY IMPORTANT when it comes to being treated for ES. You want to see a doctor with experience but also one whose surgical practices you’re comfy with. I did not have the doctor who diagnosed me do my ES surgery even though he was very anxious to do it. His surgical plan was not as thorough & his experience was less than the doctor I chose.

I’m really excited you’ve persevered, @Tim & potentially found someone closer to home who can help you. We’d also love to have another name to add to the list for your state. Please update us as you have your appointments. I’m so hoping Dr. Celestre is will come alongside you & offer to do the surgery you need. As far as I know her name hasn’t been mentioned on this forum before.