Read lots of things on this site! First I’ve heard that the Mayo Clinc doesn’t believe in ES? They are always looking to pin your problems on some other Diagnosis? I’m not even sure if Emma’s Doctor’s List has any Eagle’s specialists from the Mayo Clinic? I’m an RN and after getting so sick and the Western Medicine not being able to offer me much in the way of pain relief I decided to try other avenues. I saw a Naturopathic Doctor. He listened and we did quite a few studies! I had a B12 & Vit D deficiency. Also found out I was Sensitive to Gluten & Lactose. I stopped all milk products and stopped eating bread unless it. Was Gluten free. I don’t have Celiac’s disease but if I do eat gluten or lactose my GI tract lets me know right away! When I eat right I know! It’s possible that having anything in your system that your body doesn’t like could cause some kind of inflammation? It’s not an exact Science and we are still learning about this Syndrome! Your GI tract is your second Nervous System in your body & it reacts without you really knowing sometimes? You may have one piece of this huge puzzle? Never stop asking questions as that is how we find things out?
Crystal said:
Read lots of things on this site! First I've heard that the Mayo Clinc doesn't believe in ES? They are always looking to pin your problems on some other Diagnosis? I'm not even sure if Emma's Doctor's List has any Eagle's specialists from the Mayo Clinic? I'm an RN and after getting so sick and the Western Medicine not being able to offer me much in the way of pain relief I decided to try other avenues. I saw a Naturopathic Doctor. He listened and we did quite a few studies! I had a B12 & Vit D deficiency. Also found out I was Sensitive to Gluten & Lactose. I stopped all milk products and stopped eating bread unless it. Was Gluten free. I don't have Celiac's disease but if I do eat gluten or lactose my GI tract lets me know right away! When I eat right I know! It's possible that having anything in your system that your body doesn't like could cause some kind of inflammation? It's not an exact Science and we are still learning about this Syndrome! Your GI tract is your second Nervous System in your body & it reacts without you really knowing sometimes? You may have one piece of this huge puzzle? Never stop asking questions as that is how we find things out?