Checking in

Hi Painfree,

I have on my calendar that today is your ES surgery date. I wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you & praying that everything goes/went “by the book”. I’m hoping to hear that you’re doing well post op when you feel up to posting a report. If you have any recovery questions or comments, please feel free to email me or post them online.


Thank you! Not as good as the 1st. Pain got out of control at the hospital: Latter in the day, shift changes, more recovery room steps. Once we get back to motel we did the every 3 hr. 2 Tylenol aprox 600… then

3 hrs latter 4 Advil … and ICING… we are doing that the First 48 hrs… rested ok…

Driving home… and I am getting a bit nasuated and dizzy. Getting a motion sickness bracelet and mecklacline (sp?). When we get back. I do have some recommendations I will send latter for people who need to stay the night in a motel.


On Nov 6, 2019, at 3:08 PM, Isaiah_40_31 via Eagle Syndrome - Online Support Group wrote:


    November 6

Hi Dee,

I have on my calendar that today was your ES surgery date. I wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you & praying that everything went “by the book”. I’m hoping to hear that you’re doing well post op when you feel up to posting a report. If you have any recovery questions or comments, please feel free to email me or post them online.

Wendy (aka Isaiah_40_31)

Visit Message or reply to this email to respond to Isaiah_40_31, Painfree.

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I’m sorry to hear you’ve had a bit tougher time w/ the second surgery. My second one was a breeze compared to the first so I always wish that for our bilateral ES members.

Any advice you have to offer our members is helpful. Remember that days 3-5 are when you’ll experience the worst swelling. Keep w/ ice & pain meds consistently through that time.


Also my ear squeaks like a mouse when I try to eat. Called Dr. increased Advil, liked idea of motion sickness wrist bands, meclizine, and had me start aromatherapy, keep icing.

Anybody else have a squeaky ear?


On Nov 6, 2019, at 3:08 PM, Isaiah_40_31 via Eagle Syndrome - Online Support Group wrote:


    November 6

Hi Dee,

I have on my calendar that today was your ES surgery date. I wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you & praying that everything went “by the book”. I’m hoping to hear that you’re doing well post op when you feel up to posting a report. If you have any recovery questions or comments, please feel free to email me or post them online.

Wendy (aka Isaiah_40_31)

Visit Message or reply to this email to respond to Isaiah_40_31, Painfree.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.

Painfree I hope that things improve soon & that you get that pain under control so you can live up to your screen name!
Never had a squeaky ear after surgery, I did have the sensation of mine being blocked & was deaf in that one for a couple of weeks- it was down to an irritated nerve & went away quickly. I don’t know if yours is a nerve thing or maybe even the jaw joint being stretched a bit through intubation? Hope it goes soon, big hugs for you. :bouquet::pray:

I had weird ear noises too in the first week after surgery! It went away!

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Well this week was off to a rough start with a Dr who seemed more embarrassed by not knowing what ES was then she did with helping me. She was exact opposite of help but thank goodness my primary dr knew of Eagle Syndrome & believes it makes sense so he’s ordering a few scans. My parathyroid is still high which makes me tired always my voice is limited or very hoarse so it’s difficult to talk but having a dr on your side makes all the difference!!! Take care gang shall dance :dancer:t2: another day!

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Sending healing energy your way & wishing you a speedy recovery! Your story gives me hope :innocent::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi Painfree, I am sorry to hear that you had a rough go of it.

No ear squeeking but my ear started painfully pulsating from fluid build up. My PC said that there is no place for the fluid to go in the neck so it backs up into the ear.

I also had a lot of post surgical pain felt immediately when I woke up (8 out of 10 though not as bad as when my appendix was about to pop. That was a true 10) and nausea for almost 24 hours. I will make sure to address that for my second surgery. I drank ginger tea which helped with the nausea somewhat.

All the best for a speedy recovery.

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Thanks! I’m thinking maybe it’s because i have lost my head stabilizers, and I just have
A little touch of inner ear. The only thing I know is to make sure I stay up periodically and try to strengthen my support. Appreciate your input!

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