I want to thank this support group, for giving me the courage to not give up. I know for everyone who is diagnosed with ES is a testimony of physical, emotional, & mental strength. My first reaction on being diagnosed with ES was great! I know what I have...... that only took six months!!!! Who knew, finding a Doctor, would be just as hard, or harder to find than getting the diagnosis? By this February, I barley could get out of bed. the pain, exhaustion, depression. Had me convinced, This is not living....
I called Dr. Milligan in Phoenix for a consult. I found him on the list of Doctor's on this site. He looked at my CT. With confidence, he didn't hesitate, on what needed to be done. The only question he asked me was, "when did I want the surgery". March 25th, I walked into the hospital, so hopeful, and desperate. I prayed to god, if this surgery didn't take away my symptoms to peacefully take this pain body to a better place. Today is March 30th I woke up, took a shower, went to lunch with my daughter in-law, and two beautiful granddaughters. I pulled some weeds, talked to my friends on the phone. My voice was strong, no hint of that never ending headache, not one ES symptom, inhibited my day. I wanted to dance, sing, cry~ It's spring, the start of a new beginning.
I was not alone on this journey, we are all connected by this esoteric syndrome. The genuine compassion, concern, & rallying we shared, to find a strength to not give up. I found it here.
If anyone wants to know about Dr. Milligan. I would be happy to tell you about my experience.
Much love & light to all of you~