CT scans what is the styloid through

CT scans what is the styloid through

It looks as though you’ve either had a fractured styloid so a piece has broken off, or more likely that there is some calcification of the stylo-hyoid ligament , I’m not sure, but it looks like some sort of artefact in the scan image between the gap… Just a note, not sure if you’re getting vascular symptoms, but the styloid is really close to the C1 process in the first image, although not so much on the 3rd image, would you have moved your head at all?

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I have gotten high blood pressure witch I never had before and the chiropractor was helping a lot until Nov and since he has not been able to get the right side to adjust at all that side yes if I lay down I get dizzy vertigo if I look up I get dizzy vertigo it dose effect my vision my arms go numb alot and even when I get a massage every one says my shoulders feel so tense and I have had a major spike in allergies witch I never have before and they are getting worse 10 years ago when I was first diagnosed I had gallbladder surgery and Dr said I had reaction to something they didn’t know what tho and gave me bendyll and all was good since on March 24 this year I had hyatoromy I told that Dr what happened she said she go slow to see if she can see what triggers it
It was right after the second anesthesia was given I swelled up head to toe turned red bendyll was administered and worked for only 4 hours of the surgery by time I was in recovery it all started back up my husband took pictures and I had hard time waking up once I did I was vomiting badly I have three epi pins now I am allergic to trees and fruit it crazy what the allergist has me doing to keep this under control. I do see the Eagle Dr today see what he says about this CT scan


On the books for surgery external Dr will do one side then the other side two three months later. Dr is very confident he go in I can return normal activity next day and be healed in two weeks and said I should notice imadate relief just once one side is done. They gave me pre op instructions allready just waiting on call to tell me day time.
At visit today the Dr said he can feel them in my throat he is shocked I don’t have sever pain in my throat Dr said my symptoms are not to bad they have seen much worse

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@Gods_blessing -

Your doctor is wrong about the recovery time. It will be more like two months before you start feeling pretty good after surgery. You will NOT feel like resuming normal activity the next day but maybe after 2 weeks of recovery you can take small steps toward resuming normal activity. Recovery from ES surgery is SLOW because it takes months for the nerves to heal. Please prepare for that.

You will want to sleep with your head very elevated (we recommend buying a wedge shaped pillow to help you sleep more upright after surgery) & gel ice packs because icing your neck for the first week or so post op will help reduce swelling.

You will also need to take a stool softener & laxative if you take prescription pain medication. You might also want to request a prescription for prednisone (if you can tolerate it) as it will help reduce the swelling after surgery, too.

I look forward to you sharing the date of your surgery with us. I will pray for you.


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Yeah that’s what I have read on this site exactly what you saying I was shocked to hear how simple he made this sound. I do take pain really well I did hyatoromy and gull bladder and knee with just Motrin Drs have been shocked over my pain tolerance.
I have a bed that motion like hospital bed head go up it has massage I have ice bags I have roll pillow to even put behind my neck. I am not sure why he felt it be so fast maybe because he thinks my symptoms are not as bad as others I am not sure.


Since the head of your bed goes up, you won’t need to get a wedge pillow. It sounds like you’re set up very well for after surgery. That is good. It’s a good idea to get some soft, easy to eat foods like yogurt, soups, protein drinks, & things easy to chew/swallow like mashed potatoes, applesauce, cottage cheese, etc., in case your jaw is sore after the surgery & it’s hard to chew.

Here’s a simple surgery shopping list that Seamom posted a few years ago:


Thank you Soo much for the list :grinning: alot of that is my normal lol my jaw has killed me on off for long time now even my teeth I get pains of abses tooth but there nothing wrong I do eat lots of yogurt applesauce but I have to be careful I am epi pen allergic to fruit. I drink tones of water and since Jan I been bed rest tv showes movies I have only been cleared since May 24 from last surgery and pre surgery. I am allergic to protein drinks :grimacing: we just decoverd that one glad I have multiple smoothie places by me. It seems for last 10 years this all seems normal to me lol. I am trying to stay positive not freak out and hope it goes as good as all the other surgeries :grimacing: Dr. Dose want me to see if the allergist knows at all what medication I am allergic to in anesthesia I am still in good hopes.

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I agree with @Isaiah_40_31 about the recovery, the advice he’s given you is crazy, there will be internal stitches which need to heal…has he got much experience with ES? We do have alist of questions you can ask your doctor in the Newbies Guide Section about surgery:
ES Information- Treatment: Surgery - Welcome / Newbies Guide to Eagle Syndrome - Living with Eagle
The allergies sound scary, glad you have an epi pen! :hugs:

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Yes he has done many many of the eagles surgery I found this Dr. from my co worker her mom had Eagles had the surgery done twice from this Dr. she had no complications was back to normal very quick.
He never said there would be internal stitches he said there be small incision outside so small I would not even notice it.
This was the second time meeting with him and his team.
The first meeting was last year In April he had sent me for CT scan to make sure they were not compressing on anything and sent me to cancer blood Dr. to see if I had any bleeding disorder as I almost died when I was kid having my tonsils out they could not get me to stop bleeding. The blood Dr never found anything wrong with me he cleared me…
I know this Dr has been doing this surgery for at least 23 years now and they also have laparoscopic options so it less invasive I am not sure. The Dr said he has seen patients with Eagles much much worse then mine there symptoms were bad. He has only had one patient that there symptoms remained the same no change and others some of the symptoms got better and few of them all the symptoms went away. He gave me paper to fill out and answer questions on my symptoms and after surgery he have me redo it and see what got better what didn’t . He never had anyone get worse.


I am not sure how to get to Dr. List it has changed since I looked last. But someone mentioned to me that this Dr. Is on the list of Drs.

He is on our Doctors List @Gods_blessing. :blush:

That’s great if they can do less invasive surgery, and with good results! I’m glad that he’s experienced & I hope your recovery is as easy as he says!
Please let us know when you get a date so we can pray for you :pray:

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I will keep you all up to date
This has been long journey 10 years long.
I was notified yesterday that family Dr. Will not give me the clearance even though I litterly just had surgery she wants another blood test and cardio gram done and the Dr.Rameriz wants the med I am allergic to in anesthesia and the allergist said it is multiple testing and not fast thing as there is so many meds in anesthesia. The soonest he can start the testing is July 3.
I have soooo much medical stuff and procedures to be done I am getting burned out fast I have been cleared from last surgery but Dr told me to easy into activities that I will be extremely tired.
I know what Dr told me I am just hoping that is true everyone is different.
I have been on this site a long time herd a lot of the stories of others recoveries you are not wrong I just trying to look positive this last surgery episode was sooooo long for me I be on bed rest since January after surgery I felt so great still had to rest.
I am puzzled a bit on no big deal fast recover and all I want to believe it at same time I think I am rushing so much at once and I need break I am overwhelmed with all my medical and just want to be better allready it been forever.


I’m sorry your surgery has been put off for a bit, but I’m really glad that your doctors are looking out for you & want to keep you safe especially since you have a bad reaction to anesthesia.

I think you’re right. Giving your body more time to recover from your hysterectomy is a good idea, & it sounds like the extra testing you’re expected to get will give that to you before you have to recover from another surgery.

July 3rd will be here soon (we’re already nearly half way through June!) and hopefully shortly after the test results come, surgery can be scheduled.

I will be praying that this is the last surgery you need to help you feel good again. It has been a long journey for you.


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Good that they’re being ultra careful with you, I’m sure it must all be frustrating and feel never ending, I hope that the time soon passes and you can get that pesky styloid out :pray:

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Surgery June 27 very nervous.

There’s loads of info on here to read up on, & lots of post-op stories you can search for, hopefully that will put your mind at rest although obvs you have had that bad reaction before.
Will pray for you, not too long away! :pray: :hugs:

I’m excited you’ll finally be getting this done, @Gods_blessing! We started on here close to the same time and there is NO WAY I would have made it 10 years w/o surgery!! You’re “one tough cookie” as I like to say!

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