Hi! I am trying to decide on one other doctor to visit with before settling on one who I feel I will continue my ES journey with. Has anyone been seen by Dr Michael Vick in GA? He is on the list, but I’ve only found one person who mentioned him in my search and it didn’t look promising. I appreciate knowing if any other ES members have seen him and how your experience went. Thank you !
I did not find anyone in Georgia. If I remember correctly, Dr. Vick does interoral surgery and I chose not to check in with him, but that could have changed. I went to Chapel Hill NC for Dr. Trevor Hackman.
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@MJB - We had one member who, as I recall, had ES surgery w/ Dr. Vick but was diagnosed by Dr. Gupta. We’ve had several members since then get turned away by both doctors. Based on that, they should probably be removed from our list. I think we’ve kept them there as they can at least diagnose ES even if they aren’t willing to do surgery to relieve the symptoms.
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Good to know. Thank you!