Looking for recomendations for surgeons in the UK or in Scotland in particular, have been diagnosef with elongated styloid process, Eagle Syndrome, in Feb this year. Anyone out there tried the Cleveland Clinic in London and had surgery with Jonathan Hughes? Is the 80% success rate genuine? Any idea of the costs involved.
Have you contacted Mr Currie? He’s in Scotland.
There have been quite a few discussions about Mr Hughes; if you use the search function you can have plenty of reading. One of our members, @PatientD has given quite a bit of info about her experience with him & recently posted the costs but I can’t find her post right now We’ve only had a few members on here who have had surgery with him so can’t comment on the 80% success rate…
Mr Axon at Addenbrooks is a very good surgeon; he doesn’t seem to be able to do many surgeries on the NHS right now, but does do private work for Spire Health.
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