Facial and neck numbness

Have Eagles Syndrome and new symptoms are appearing that are concerning. I have facial numbness , numbness in back of head , along with ear aches. All symptoms are intermittent. One day I’m feeling good, next day, I’m not. Headaches are pretty constant. Anybody else experiencing numbness. My carotid arteries were checked and getting good blood flow. Thanks

hi eastmas,
I have the facial numbness which comes and goes. Also ear pain although it is slowly getting better as I work on scar tissue in neck after surgery. I have had intermittant eyelid twitching and pressure on upper teeth. Dentist says my sinus is lying low and if I had congestion or allergies, it would put pressure on teeth. A few weeks ago when I had some acupuncture in my jaw and cheek and at one point the nerve pain went right to the tooth I felt pain and hurt. Ive determined that it is the trigeminal nerve cluster that is the culprit to the facial numbness and pressure.
I think its a combination of inflammation, muscle tightness and possible scar tissue.

Thanks for input. I haven’t had surgery yet, but my symptoms seem to change daily. I’m beginning to think something else is going on, as not many report the numbness in face.

| Snapple2020
August 14 |

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hi eastmas,
I have the facial numbness which comes and goes. Also ear pain although it is slowly getting better as I work on scar tissue in neck after surgery. I have had intermittant eyelid twitching and pressure on upper teeth. Dentist says my sinus is lying low and if I had congestion or allergies, it would put pressure on teeth. A few weeks ago when I had some acupuncture in my jaw and cheek and at one point the nerve pain went right to the tooth I felt pain and hurt. Ive determined that it is the trigeminal nerve cluster that is the culprit to the facial numbness and pressure.
I think its a combination of inflammation, muscle tightness and possible scar tissue.

Ive heard of a few with facial numbness and they might pipe in. If you look up facial nerves, the trigeminal nerve cluster sits in front of the ear. Other ligaments travel down to neck and styloid areas. Its all interconnected. There is so many nerves to look at when you look in 3-D at them. Sometimes you can trace back to these culprits. Ive had issues with the C-2, C-3 area and all along the occipital area of skull. Others will chime in about the anatomy as it relates to skull. I have found that depending on the day and whatever activity I might do will kick up different symptoms. Could be straining to pick something up, how I slept and whether my neck was tweaked on the pillow for a long period of time, how I rotated my head. Its so hard to know sometimes unless you are hyper-aware of every move. Some people clearly figure out, its positional for them. Only recently did I figure out (since having left out), that my right side makes a funny noise when I rotate left while bending over. One thing is for sure, as times goes on, things usually worsen…to the point we decide to get surgery. Hope that helps

I had facial numbness & tingling before surgery, which was worsening & a bit worrying; I presumed that it was from compression/ irritation of either the facial nerve or the Trigeminal nerve. It improved alot after surgery (I did have initial numbness along my jaw after surgery, which has mostly gone, so be prepared for that). It’s more likely a nerve issue rather than one with the arteries.
BTW- edited your post as your full name had appeared to protect your privacy!

I don’t recall having facial numbness prior to my first surgery but am definately experiencing it waiting for the second. Best of luck to you.

Yes, very helpful. Everything you say makes lots of sense.

from my iPhone

| shayney
August 14 |

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I don’t recall having facial numbness prior to my first surgery but am definately experiencing it waiting for the second. Best of luck to you.

I have had facial numbness, eye twitching, tingling around my lips that was painful pre-surgery, now numbness along jawline post surgery that seems to be improving. I have had tooth pain as well. I am finding that if I stay on top of my sinus regimen that Dr. Hepworth has me on my pain is better. Pre-surgery this improved things significantly. I think the congestion inside my head is worsened when the sinuses are irritated. The ears get backed up, nothing works right. I do nasal saline washes 2 x daily with 2 saline packets to a bottle of distilled water. Then they have me on nasacort to calm the inflammation 2 x daily. This has helped with a lot of the jaw discomfort

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Thank you so much. I’m surprised that my Doctor has not mentioned anything, except that facial numbness is not the norm prior to surgery.