Praying all goes well for you today, God Bless
How are you doing post op @MamaBear6? I hope all went well!
I dont do well with Anesthesia and Pain Meds so I have been out… i am trying to get with everyone for update!! I feel better, swelling is a bit harsh, slight facial Paralysis, but Beautiful Incision… will update more sooner!!
The incision looks great! Totally understand you aren’t up to a long discussion. Hoping things settle down for you & better days come soon!
That is neat! Thinking of you as you heal, hugs & prayers
I’ve had a gp more intent on filling her online depression questionnaire on me rather than actual look at me or examine me. To be asked on 1 December I’d I had put my Xmas decorations up was, quite frankly, patronising! She had no idea if I even celebrated Xmas let alone my schedule for doing things. Once they get fixated on the psychology, I think that clouds the therapeutic relationship for the future. Or just call me cynical?
Welcome to our forum @Mcwelly! What a sad story you’ve told. So many of our members have had similar tales. I’m sorry you were dismissed without being heard & w/o your situation being assessed medically rather than receiving a flippant, easy answer. There are doctors in your country who are more knowledgeable about ES. If you can travel a bit, Mr. Hughes in London might be able to help you.
Thank you for your welcome @Isaiah_40_31 - I am waiting for ‘urgent’ CT and MRI scans and being ever hopeful.
No, I most definitely won’t.
What is often defined as ‘cynical’ often comes from experience for many of us with experience with rare conditions. I think a large portion of our cynicism can also come from of the arrogant attitude of some medicos. “Ohhh, I think this is all stress related…Are you stressed??..” (as the steam is exhausting out of my ears) Yes, I’m stressed from having to deal with dr’s. When they don’t have the answer, the easiest answer is to blame the patient.
Once they give you a psychological label, it follows you EVERYWHERE. Any medico gets a hold of your medical records, it’s there “Ohh but you have a history of …”
I can assure you you’re not the only one to have to travel this route, hell, they put me in a psych ward because "Well, you just can’t be having that much pain, we can’t find anything. ‘We think it’s drug and alcohol…’ ‘We think it’s psychosomatic…’ Then they found a cause and those same medicos all went “Well, Don’t blame ME!!!”. GGRRrrrrrrr
My advice: Don’t let them railroad you. If you know there’s an issue follow it up. Get a 2nd opinion.get a 3rd, get a 4th… get the answers you need.
Am I cynical?? YES But why? Because I went down damn near every ‘railroad’ and rabbit hole they sent me down. Now, I question EVERYTHING.
Merl from the Modsupport Team
Oh how very true! How you have to try and keep your cool but the frustration in not being believed combined with never ending pain is enough to tip anyone into depression and anxiety even if they were never like it before. The medics probably see us at our worse, our vulnerability laid bare. They don’t see us cope, trying to run lives, families, putting a brave face on it, ever hopeful that something will be found and done.
Nobody will ask themselves why this person has developed this after perhaps a lifetime of good health? Being female and post menopausal seems to bring out the worse stereotypes to the medical profession. I may add that some of the most unsympathetic and scathing have been female doctors!
Rant over - I have my MRI Monday. X
@ Mcwelly - I’m really glad you have a diagnostic scan on Mon. That’s a great start!
Good morning, feeling awful. Diagnosed with a chest infection now (on 5 day course of amoxicillin), and BP was very high when checked by GP. Stiff neck on right now extends up the back of the head, headache ongoing. Still getting fevers and feeling shaky and odd, like my head is filling with cotton wool. Not had my CT yet. Bp just now is 96/59. Lost over 14 kgs in total now. Guts bad.
Sorry for my shopping list of woes.
Poor you, hope the antibiotics start working soon…I think any sort of infection seems to flare up other conditions, so it could well make your ES symptoms even worse. BP heading a bit too low now though?
Sending you hugs and prayers to get better soon
We’re with you whatever the status of your “health storm”, @Mcwelly. Thank you for the update. I will also be praying the chest infection moves on & bp stabilizes so you can proceed with getting your CT scan & hopefully a diagnosis for your face, neck throat, ear, etc., symptoms. Sure sounds like it could be ES to me.
Thank you for your kind thoughts and good wishes. I veer between thinking it is ES and then thinking some sort of sub massenteric or retropharangeal infection to Sjogrens (dry eyes etc and positive ANA), in the absence of support except at times - Dr Google! No GP input whatsoever in over a year!
I get so despondent at each day turning into each week, month and year but I will get to the bottom of this and have the support of my partner and my very loyal dog - I don’t even tell my children anything anymore, I sound like an old broken record.
Thank you all xx
I’ve just found this panoramic x Ray from 2 years ago, before I lost the back lower left molars. Not sure if styloids show, thought maybe on the left, I can see something?
Maybe I’m clutching at straws?
Thank you all
I read somewhere that an average styloid is about 1/3 the length of the mandible. Yours look more like half the length so maybe a bit long but not the longest.
I feel a little silly as I don’t see the styloids, but I’m not very good at finding them sometimes. I"m glad @Ladybug gave you input there. Please remember that it’s not just length that can play into ES symptoms. Normal length or only slightly elongated styloids that are very thick or angled, or twisted or pointed (or any combination of those) can cause the same symptoms as longer styloids. The trick is to find a doctor who understands this & doesn’t evaluate by length alone.
Sounds like it’s your turn to have a useful doctor’s appointment. Is there anyone on our list you’re able to see? Can you travel out of town if no one is close to you?
Got it! Can see them now. They do look a bit long to me especially the right side.