I suspect you’re right about the travel out of town and I also suspect that if and when I can get all my scans and tests together, the answer will be there. Today, the GP has agreed to some more blood tests but has still never seen me or examined me. I feel slightly better on day 4 of antibiotics which is the usual pattern over the past 3 years.
Ps. That X-ray is the only one I have in my possession for now, it’s 3 years old.
Excellent news that the antibiotics are helping you. Pathetic that you haven’t been able to be seen in person by your GP after all this time. I hope you’re able to have a “real” appointment ASAP & the doctor is willing to refer you for the CT you need to diagnose ES officially.
Good evening, the CT has been requested urgently by the ENT consultant, that was nearly 3 weeks ago and meanwhile I’m waiting for my MRI results. I will then ask for copies of all my scans and if necessary, go elsewhere for review.
I’m seeing my dentist urgently tomorrow as she is concerned with the facial swelling and yet again, a sub conjunctival haemorrhage. Today when I was out I felt awful after walking for a few minutes. My headache and temple pain was severe and I felt dizzy and almost as if my face was drooping a bit. After a half hour rest and a drink, it passed but I did worry I was having a TIA.
Funny enough, my chest feels ok and I have not been SOB in any way!
One day at a time, I guess it’s like that for most people who remain undiagnosed and despairing.
@Mcwelly - That does sound scary!! If your styloid(s) is/are compressing your internal carotid artery(ies) then TIAs are a possible symptom. It’s good you listened to your body & stopped! That CT scan can’t come soon enough. I hope they do it with contrast to look at your vascular tissues & see if there is any type of compression being caused by the styloids. It’s best to ask for the CT to be done with your head in the position that makes your symptoms worse as well as in a neutral head position.
You have a good philosophy - 1 day at a time! That is so important as looking ahead can dispose one to a negative mental state which is not helpful in these types of situations.
So up & down for you, sounds really scary…does sound like potentially a TIA, I don’t suppose you could have a phone appt with your GP & explain this, push for the CT to be done even more urgently? Would suggest if it happens again ( not!) that you go to A&E, but you’d probably be waiting a couple of days there! And maybe take a photo to show if your face is drooping as evidence?
I hope that your dentist can help with the swelling & whatever’s going on there. More hugs for you
A better day today funny enough. Also saw the dentist this afternoon and on reviewing in closer detail, he has found a possible abnormal channel towards the back of the upper left jaw which could be a possible cause of infection. We just need those mri scan results! And the ct to be done! I’ll chase up both on Monday.
Another day, another small piece in the puzzle….
Definitely won’t visit A&E unless about to perish, can’t stand the thought of hours in a corridor when in pain waiting for a dose of patronisation and worse!