Imput on my 3D pictures?

Hi Saxine,

Given the images here, I am not a radiologist nor a doctor and my suspicion needs to be verified by a trained radiologist but I have suspicion that you might be suffering from a rare right side carotid artery entrapment by Hyoid Bone when you turn your head as it is very close to the right carotid artery as shown below. I circled the carotid artery bifurcation (where it branches) and green arrow points the Hyoid bone almost touch the artery branches. This could explain your intermittent stroke like episode on the right side facial droopiness and weakness after you turn your head but needs to be confirmed. I have found few cases in the literature here (Frontiers | Hyoid Elongation May Be a Rare Cause of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke in Youth-A Case Report and Literature Review | Neurology) ( Carotid Artery Entrapment by the Hyoid Bone-A Rare Cause of Recurrent Strokes in a Young Patient).

On the left side of Hyoid bone is also close to the left carotid artery but bit far compared to the right. Not sure if it is touching when you turn your head or move it.

As far as the Jugular Veins are concerned, Yes, the C1 Transverse process is compressing them but I doubt they are the cause of the stroke like episodes. They cause head pressure and vision issues by raising the intracranial pressure. These are Veins not Arteries. Arteries supply blood to brain where Veins return blood from the Brain back to the heart. Artery dissection or occlusion is an emergency as the blood cutoff from the brain is very damaging.

Inkedcarotid image_LI

Finally, I need you to post more images to confirm this issue. Can you post Coronal and Axial images of the neck. Similar to the ones posted below. I found these ones in the internet and you can see the horn of the Hyoid bone in the middle of Carotid Bifurcation.

Sample Carotid entrapment

On the last note, it is late here in Canada and I have not had much time to look all the images in detail but this are my suspicions based on your symptoms NOT DIAGNOSES as I am not licensed radiologist. This is to help you to take it back to the Radiologists in Norway and have them verify it. Also, demand to do DYNAMIC Angiogram, so they can see the Hyoid bone compression if any.