Just found out that my doctor does not have an Insurance code to file on the “Styloid Process” part and I will be responsible to pay that up front. Does anyone know if your doctor had a code to file under or if you had to pay that portion as well. I don’t want to have to pay for something just because the National Medical Association hasn’t gotten around to making a billing code for Eagles or Styloid related treatment.
Is this the same doctor that wouldn't consider Eagle's? My doctor just used the diagnostic code for ear pain last time and uses various ones at different times: neck pain (723.1) headache, etc. etc. She could use the diagnostic code for GFN.
LizaJane, that's crazy to make you pay because there isn't a code for it yet. I don't know what my doctors used, but I didn't have to pay anything. There are lots of codes the doctors can use like Alaska Eagle mentioned. That just makes me so mad.
I should clarify that the code I am referring to is the one needed for the actual surgery. He's going to do it on the 27th of June. But this lack of a code issue will cost me 500 bucks out of pocket up front if we can't figure it out.....man on the moon, but no code for a very needed surgery???
Yes, he has done 7 prior styloids....which is not a lot, but considering how rare it is. He says the 6 of the 7 were very successful. The other one didn't have much improvement, thinking he said the patient had been older. They are supposed tobe working to find another way to bill it, I just wondered if you guys had any faster info. :) thanks again!
Yes, he has done 7 prior styloids....which is not a lot, but considering how rare it is. He says the 6 of the 7 were very successful. The other one didn't have much improvement, thinking he said the patient had been older. They are supposed tobe working to find another way to bill it, I just wondered if you guys had any faster info. :) thanks again!
Your doctor's office is correct, there is no procedure code for a styloidectomy or "removal of the styloid process." The procedure is essentially a removal of part of the bone of the skull base. Technically this removal of bone from the cranium is called a craniotomy (for decompression of facial nerve). The procedure code (known as a CPT code) used by Dr. Samji's office for billing insurance for the extraoral approach to this surgery is 61458. Hope this helps.
Your doctor's office is correct, there is no procedure code for a styloidectomy or "removal of the styloid process." The procedure is essentially a removal of part of the bone of the skull base. Technically this removal of bone from the cranium is called a craniotomy (for decompression of facial nerve). The procedure code (known as a CPT code) used by Dr. Samji's office for billing insurance for the extraoral approach to this surgery is 61458. Hope this helps.
Thanks so much, I will get this information to my doctor and hope for the best! Thanks again for taking your time to respond and getting this information for me :)
Lizjane, good luck with your surgery on June 27th!! Are you having the internal or external approach? I'm having surgery on Monday, June 23 for removal of my right styloid process with an external approach. I'm getting nervous.
Glad you will be getting some help we pray!!! I am doing external approach and yes to the nerves for me as well!!! Gonna be trying to be calm and get myself focussed. I always juice and and pray and just try to be still before big stuff like this. It really calms my nerves and clarifies my thinking processes. SO.....I will begin that tomorrow!!! :)
Is Dr. Samji doing your surgery? I looked him up online after you left his name in your last post?
I will be praying for you!! Thanks for all of your help! BTW, how long have you been symptamatic? Mine has been a total of two years, but last July is when the word Eagle was mentioned, I am very fortunate compared to some of these poor people
Alaska Eagle said:
Lizjane, good luck with your surgery on June 27th!! Are you having the internal or external approach? I'm having surgery on Monday, June 23 for removal of my right styloid process with an external approach. I'm getting nervous.
Lizajane, Yes, Dr. Samji. I have been symptomatic for over eight years and self-diagnosed about three months ago. I'd never heard of this and thought I would just have to live with the pain all my life. I had a dental procedure that strained everything terribly and I noticed that it made my ear pain far worse so I googled "ear pain and stylohyoid muscle" and guess what came up.....Eagle Syndrome! voila. Life changing.
To you as well!!!! Speaking of dental, my dentist was kind enough to do a panoramic for me after I had read somewhere that it would show the eagle fangs! Mine showed up, then I followed up with the 3dct. Alaska Eagle said:
Lizajane, Yes, Dr. Samji. I have been symptomatic for over eight years and self-diagnosed about three months ago. I'd never heard of this and thought I would just have to live with the pain all my life. I had a dental procedure that strained everything terribly and I noticed that it made my ear pain far worse so I googled "ear pain and stylohyoid muscle" and guess what came up.....Eagle Syndrome! voila. Life changing.